HM 1179

HM 1179:Ball Player
AD 600-900, Mexico

Description: Appraisal96 Appraisal97 Appraisal98 Worldviews Grey ceramic ball player figure glued to black display base. Elaborate, incised headdress with mask design, including eyes and nose. Naturalistic form. Ear spools and necklace has traces of white paint. Sash has traces of blue paint. Figure holds “pillow” shaped object under left arm. Good condition. Damage to ornament that overlays the folded right arm. Incision on right shoulder/ upper arm. Two drilled holes in figure back. Possible restoration to figure at waist, below ornamental belt. Jainca Island, Campeche, Maya lowlands, Mexico Maya Culture Classic AD 500-700 Placed on temporary exhibit, 5/29/98- , for the Alumni Weekend reception and Hudson Museum Friends BBQ activity. Mini-exhibit included recent publications including exhibit catalogues, magazines and books featuring photos and/or information about artifacts from the Hudson Museum’s collections. Exhibit was curated by Stephen L. Whittington. William P. Palmer III Collection