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Photo of Agricycle's Exeter facility, found on their website

Food Waste Basics…What Is Anaerobic Digestion?

While I was very excited to work to end food waste in Maine with my internship with the Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions, I found the many food waste terms to be overwhelming. But with a few Google searches, I was able to put together the basics.  If you also find food waste terminology to […]

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Photo of people sitting around a table, eating traditional holiday foods

STOP Wasting Holiday Food: Make your Leftovers Work for You

With the holiday season upon us, holiday foods are a key part of many family celebrations. After seeing how many of these holiday foods end up as leftovers at my house, I wanted to share some tips and recipes to ensure that your holiday favorites do not end up as food waste. Luckily, preventing food […]

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Image of a person putting food scraps in a compost bin

Food Recycling Made Easy!

As a resident of Winslow, my town’s free food recycling bins are located at 136 Halifax St. in Winslow, and I participate in one of the Mitchell Center’s town food recycling pilots! I’m here to show you how easy it is to recycle your food by walking you through my own food recycling routine.    […]

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food dates picture

Food Dates: The Real Truth

“When in doubt, throw it out.” For me, this phrase was a commonplace theme in my childhood home. As a kid, it was one of my designated chores to go through the fridge or pantry closet. Every couple of months, I would throw away items that were past their “expiration food date.” This practice is […]

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image of the inside of a fridge

Save Money & Waste Less with These 6 Food Storage Tips

According to the LSU Agricultural Center, the average American family of four throws out $1,600 a year in produce. By wasting all of this produce, we also waste the money that we spent on the produce, the resources that went into producing and transporting that food, and finally a waste of space in already overflowing […]

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