Want to get involved in food rescue but don’t know how?
There are several options to get started:
Gleaning- gleaning is the act of collecting leftover crops from fields after the harvest. Many local farmers allow people to come to their fields and glean their crops before turning them over to put back into the soil. Call a farmer in your town to find out if they have a gleaning program.
Volunteer as a Food Rescuer- Volunteer with Food Rescue U.S. to connect unwanted food with people that need it! If there are no feeding site locations near you, sign up to become a site director in your area, or contact us with the form below to find out where you can volunteer.
Food Pantries- instead of throwing out good and edible food, donate it to a food pantry. To help food pantries out even more, consider volunteering at a pantry near you.
Are you interested in volunteering?
Please fill out this brief form to help us get to know you! Based on your preferences and schedule, we can work together to find the best place for you to volunteer. Thank you for helping us feed more Mainers.