Nursing student blowing bubbles with child in Tanzania

Travel Study Course Listing

2025 travel courses include:


  • REM 210: Recreational Management (Patagonia)
  • INA 310/POS 369: Camden Conference: Democracy Under Threat: A Global Perspective (Maine)
  • SFR 213: Forest Operations Field Tours (Maine) 
  • CHF 404: Human Sexuality in Europe (London, Amsterdam, Stockholm)
  • ERS 410: Sea to Sky Experience (Iceland)


  • FRE 397: French May Term in Quebec: French Immersion Class (Quebec)
  • POS 349/POS 498/SOC 340/ SPI 697: Drug Policy in Comparative Perspective (Portugal)
  • LDR 495/POS 359: Leadership in Chaotic Times: (Washington DC)
  • PSY 430: Advanced Social Psychology (Italy)
  • CET 458: Management in Construction (Alaska)

Click here to view past travel study course offerings.

Spring 2025


CHF 404 Selected Topics in Child Development and Family Life

Review of specific subject areas in the field. Subject areas vary by semester. May be repeated for credit if topics differ with 9 completions and a total of 27 credits.

Human Sexuality in Europe Stdy

Class Number: 46747
Credits: 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 1/28/2025 - 5/29/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Sandra L Caron
Enrollment: 10 of 16 seats
Location: Orono UM Campus
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. --------------. CHF 404: Human Sexuality in Europe is a Spring travel study course with monthly planning meetings followed by three-weeks of travel to three different cities in Europe in May. There will be four class meetings to prepare for the trip in the Spring semester: 1/28, 2/25, 3/25, and 4/29 held at 7 p.m. (either zoom or in person). Travel Dates: May 12-May 29, 2025 departing from Logan airport/Boston to London, England, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and Stockholm, Sweden.

Cost: In addition to the three-credits of UMaine tuition, there is a course fee to cover such costs as flights, shared hotel rooms, airport transfers, local travel, speaker fees, group dinners and group activities.

The course fee is $5,500.00. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is 1/16/25.

Apply: Please contact Dr. Caron for an application if you are interested in this travel study course: Applications are due by the end of Fall 2024 semester (12/20/2024). This is a permission-only course. Once you apply and are accepted, you will be enrolled for Spring in CHF 404 for three credits. The course is limited to 12-16 students. By enrolling in the course, you are committing to the cost of the course (both tuition and the course fee). Prerequisites:
n/a 1/28/2025 - 5/29/2025 Sandra L Caron
Tuesday 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Merrill Hall 221A 1/28/2025 - 1/28/2025 Sandra L Caron
Tuesday 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Merrill Hall 221A 2/25/2025 - 2/25/2025 Sandra L Caron
Tuesday 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Merrill Hall 221A 3/25/2025 - 3/25/2025 Sandra L Caron
Tuesday 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Merrill Hall 221A 4/29/2025 - 4/29/2025 Sandra L Caron

ERS 410 Sea-to-Sky Experience

Many critical processes in the Earth and climate sciences occur at interfaces among the atmosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, oceans, solid earth, and society. Using an interdisciplinary systems-based approach, as well as the ability to make direct observations, are essential to understanding these processes. ERS 410 will visit a region where a wide range of environments - everything from open ocean ("sea") to glaciers ("sky") - can be experienced. During this travel study course, we will focus on a range of professional and practical skills, including global impact/local relevance research, proposal development, science planning and logistics, risk assessment and mitigation, safety, group dynamics and collaboration, field-based and remote observations, cultural knowledge, and science communication.

Class Number: 47516
Credits: 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/31/2025
Status: Closed
Enrollment: 11 of 12 seats
Location: Orono UM Campus
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. Location: Iceland
Travel Dates: 5/13/25-5/24/25
Tuition: As Indicated. The course fee is $2,525. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The refund deadline is 2/1/25. Prerequisites: Prerequisite: ERS 200 and ERS 201 and instructor permission
Wednesday 5:00 PM - 5:50 PM Arranged 1/21/2025 - 5/31/2025 Karl J Kreutz, Seth William Campbell, Aaron E Putnam

Class Number: 47517
Credits: 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0871
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/31/2025
Status: Closed
Enrollment: 3 of 12 seats
Location: Orono UM Campus
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. Location: Iceland
Travel Dates: 5/13/25-5/24/25
Tuition: As Indicated. The course fee is $4,025. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The refund deadline is 2/1/25. Prerequisites: Prerequisite: ERS 200 and ERS 201 and instructor permission
Wednesday 5:00 PM - 5:50 PM Arranged 1/21/2025 - 5/31/2025 Karl J Kreutz, Seth William Campbell, Aaron E Putnam

INA 310 Camden Conference Course

This course accompanies the Camden Conference held each spring. The topic changes yearly. The course prepares for the year's topic with background readings and discussions. Students attend the conference and normally meet with conference participants. Subsequent meetings analyze the ideas presented during the conference.

Democracy Under Threat

Class Number: 47369
Credits: 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025
Status: Open
Enrollment: 10 of 13 seats
Location: Orono UM Campus
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. Democracy Under Threat: A Global Perspective.

The course fee is $384. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is January 31 2025. Prerequisites:
TuesdayThursday 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Boudreau Hall 237 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 Kristin Vekasi, Mark D Brewer

NUR 419 Introduction and Service to Global Health

This course will introduce students to global health concepts and will explore global burden of diseases, social and environmental determinants of health, implications of migration, travel and displacement, and globalization of health and healthcare. The students will learn about health disparities in undeserved and underprivileged countries. The meaning of global citizenship and the role of the nurse as an advocate for human rights will be explored. Field and living conditions may be rigorous and/or primitive and include travel/overnight stay. The course will meet weekly prior to the travel component. There is a fee associated with this course for travel expenses. This course is for students that are in the Nursing Major.

Class Number: 47354
Credits: 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/23/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Susan A Tardiff
Enrollment: 16 of 18 seats
Location: Orono UM Campus
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. Location: Colombia
Travel Dates: 5/16/25-5/24/25
Tuition: As Indicated. The course fee is $4,410.57. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The refund deadline is 11/30/24. Prerequisites:
Monday 5:00 PM - 7:50 PM Shibles Hall 316 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 Susan A Tardiff

POS 369 Topics in International Relations

Offers a detailed examination of a selected topic in International Relations. May be repeated for credit.

Democracy Under Threat

Class Number: 47150
Credits: 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025
Status: Closed
Enrollment: 16 of 16 seats
Location: Orono UM Campus
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. Democracy Under Threat: A Global Perspective.

The course fee is $384. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is January 31 2025. Prerequisites: Prerequisite: POS 120
TuesdayThursday 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Boudreau Hall 237 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 Kristin Vekasi, Mark D Brewer

REM 210 Nature-Based Tourism & Sustainable Development

This course will explore environmental, economic and social-cultural implications and challenges associated with the creation and management of nature-based tourism products and services. Students will meet with local stakeholders to develop an in-depth understanding of the complexities involved in nature-based and sustainable tourism development, including the challenges of managing an area for both conservation and sustainable development; issues pertaining to equitable distribution of economic benefits and social and cultural implications for indigenous cultures and local communities involved in or living near areas being developed for tourism. Prerequisite: REM 121, or permission of instructor.

Adventure Patagonia

Class Number: 47105
Credits: 3
Class Component: Field Experience
Section: 4870
Dates: 12/2/2024 - 1/21/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Karen A Beeftink
Enrollment: 10 of 12 seats
Location: Machias UMM Campus
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. This course includes a required trip to Patagonia from January 3 - January 16, 2025. The instructor will work with students to arrange online planning meetings prior to departure. The course fee is $5,008. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The refund deadline is 12/2/2024. Prerequisites: Prerequisite: REM 121, or permission of instructor.
Tuesday n/a Arranged-Machias 12/2/2024 - 1/21/2025 Karen A Beeftink

SFR 213 Forest Operations Field Tour

Will observe different timber harvesting operations and machines through field visits and assess at multiple scales with application to integrated management of forest trees, wildlife, water, and soil. Planning and implementation of forest operations systems for various forest stand conditions will be examined. This course intends to introduce associated ecological, social, policy, and ethical issues in forestry, thereby, preparing future forest resource professionals for operational management under varying objectives and site conditions.

Class Number: 47318
Credits: 1
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 1/13/2025 - 1/17/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Anil Kizhakkepurakkal
Enrollment: 13 of 28 seats
Location: Orono UM Campus
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. Location: Across Maine
Travel Dates: 1/13/25-1/17/25
Tuition: As Indicated. The course fee is $480. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The refund deadline is 1/1/2025. Prerequisites: Prerequisite: Sophomore standing
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Nutting Hall 102 1/13/2025 - 1/17/2025 Anil Kizhakkepurakkal

Summer 2025


CET 458 SL: Management of Construction

This is the capstone course for the Construction Engineering Technology (CET) program, providing the opportunity for students to apply and practice many aspects learned in previous courses, including development and professionally executed construction of community service projects. In addition, contemporary construction practices are discussed. Lecture 2 Lab 2

Class Number: 21717
Credits: 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 7/7/2025 - 7/25/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Will Manion
Enrollment: 0 of 20 seats
Location: Orono UM Campus
Instruction Method: By Arrangement
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. The course fee is $25. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is N/A.

Location: Juneau, Alaska
Travel Dates: 7/7/25-7/25/25
Tuition: As Indicated. ---------------------------- Prerequisites: Prerequisites: CET 202, CET 224, CET 360 and CTE Major or permission
n/a 7/7/2025 - 7/25/2025 Will Manion

ERS 499 Non-Thesis Field or Laboratory Capstone in Earth and Climate Sciences

Students will attend a four- to six-week earth or climate science field camp or engage in equivalent field- or lab-based research activities culminating in a research presentation. The experience (a) draws together the various threads of the School¿s undergraduate program, (b) typifies the work of professionals within Earth and Climate Sciences, (c) develops problem-solving skills while working within a natural system, and (d) develops spatial cognition and reasoning.

Class Number: 21685
Credits: 1 - 6
Class Component: Field Experience
Section: 0871
Dates: 6/11/2025 - 8/22/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Ingalise G Kindstedt
Enrollment: 0 of 31 seats
Location: UM Off-site
Instruction Method: By Arrangement
More Information
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: Senior Standing and Permission
n/a 6/11/2025 - 8/22/2025 Ingalise G Kindstedt

FRE 397 French (May Term)

Total immersion program. May be repeated for credit.

Class Number: 21722
Credits: 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 5/12/2025 - 6/30/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Frederic Rondeau
Enrollment: 9 of 14 seats
Location: UM Off-site
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. The course fee is $200. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is 2/21/25.

Location: Quebec
Travel Dates: 5/12-5/19
Tuition: As Indicated. ----------------------- Prerequisites: Prerequisite: FRE 202
n/a 5/12/2025 - 6/30/2025 Frederic Rondeau

KPE 450 Bringing the Classroom Outdoors

This course is for pre-service or in-service educators who wish to expand their skills in facilitating outdoor learning experiences for their students. After exploring the theories and research behind outdoor learning, we will shift our focus to practical, hands-on content for implementing outdoor learning. Emphasis will be placed on exploring and increasing skills in the following areas: use of experiential learning techniques in outdoor settings; risk and group management in outdoor settings; being comfortable in a variety of outdoor activities and environments; and creating effective and enriching outdoor learning experiences. Course Note: This course meets the training requirements of the state of Maine's Educational Trip Leader Permit, which allows educators to bring students outdoors in settings that would normally require a Registered Maine Guide Recreation license. Note that this course does not fulfill the Wilderness First Aid portion of the requirements.

Class Number: 21901
Credits: 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 8/4/2025 - 8/29/2025
Status: Closed
Instructor(s): Sarah W Timm
Enrollment: 0 of 0 seats
Location: Orono UM Campus
Instruction Method: Hybrid/Blended
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. The course fee is XXXX. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is XXXX.

Travel Dates:
Tuition: As Indicated. ------------------------------- Prerequisites: Junior Standing or permission
n/a 8/4/2025 - 8/29/2025 Sarah W Timm

Class Number: 21902
Credits: 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 8/4/2025 - 8/29/2025
Status: Closed
Instructor(s): Sarah W Timm
Enrollment: 0 of 0 seats
Location: Orono UM Campus
Instruction Method: Hybrid/Blended
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. The course fee is XXXX. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is XXXX.

Travel Dates:
Tuition: As Indicated. ------------------------- Prerequisites: Prerequisites: Graduate Standing
n/a 8/4/2025 - 8/29/2025 Sarah W Timm

LDR 495 Washington D.C. Leadership Institute

An immersive travel course to Washington D.C. that examines hands-on, advanced leadership perspectives in times of unpredictable change. Offers intensive leadership seminars on location in the nation's capital with notable leaders in fields such as government, foreign affairs, the military, business, non-profit organizations, athletics, education, and the arts. Includes numerous site visits to compelling destinations. This course cannot be taken for credit after passing LDR 350 under the topic Washington D.C. Leadership Institute.

Class Number: 21867
Credits: 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 5/12/2025 - 5/31/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): TBA
Enrollment: 0 of 10 seats
Location: UM Off-site
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. The course fee is $25. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is N/A.

Location: Washington DC
Travel Dates: 5/18/25-5/24/2025
Tuition: As Indicated. ----------------------- Prerequisites: This course cannot be taken for credit after passing LDR 350 under the topic Washington D.C. Leadership Institute.
n/a 5/12/2025 - 5/31/2025 TBA

POS 349 Topics in Comparative Politics

Offers a detailed examination of a selected topic in comparative politics. May be repeated for credit.

Class Number: 21814
Credits: 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 5/12/2025 - 5/30/2025
Status: Closed
Instructor(s): Robert W Glover
Enrollment: 9 of 0 seats
Location: UM Off-site
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. The course fee is $2,474.42. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is 2/10/2025.

Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Travel Dates: 5/12/2025-5/30/2025
Tuition: As Indicated. ------------------------------ Prerequisites: Prerequisite: POS 241
n/a 5/12/2025 - 5/30/2025 Robert W Glover

POS 359 Topics in American Government

Offers a detailed examination of a selected topic in American politics. May be repeated for credit.

Washington DC Leadership Inst

Class Number: 21413
Credits: 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 5/12/2025 - 5/31/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): TBA
Enrollment: 0 of 6 seats
Location: UM Off-site
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. The course fee is $25. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is N/A.

Location: Washington DC
Travel Dates: 5/18/25-5/24/2025
Tuition: As Indicated. ---------------------------- Prerequisites: Prerequisite: POS 100
n/a 5/12/2025 - 5/31/2025 TBA

POS 498 Independent Study in Political Science

Provides students the opportunity to work closely with an individual member of the faculty, either as a research assistant or as the author of a major independent study paper. May be repeated for credit.

Class Number: 21998
Credits: 1 - 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 5/12/2025 - 5/30/2025
Status: Closed
Instructor(s): Robert W Glover
Enrollment: 2 of 0 seats
Location: UM Off-site
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. The course fee is $2,474.42. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is 2/10/2025.

Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Travel Dates: 5/12/2025-5/30/2025
Tuition: As Indicated. ------------------------------- Prerequisites:
n/a 5/12/2025 - 5/30/2025 Robert W Glover

PSY 430 Current Topics in Social Psychology

An introduction to one of several current topics in social psychology. Topic areas may include applied social psychology, attitudes and persuasion, prejudice and stereotyping, social cognition, the self, and social influence. May be repeated for credit. (This course is identical to PSY 630.)

Class Number: 21771
Credits: 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 5/27/2025 - 7/3/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Charles L Dufour
Enrollment: 8 of 15 seats
Location: UM Off-site
Instruction Method: Hybrid/Blended
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. This course will be delivered online, with an in-person travel component from 6/9/25-6/24/2025.

The course fee is $4,137. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is 3/1/25.

Location: Ischia, Italy
Travel Dates: 6/9/25-6/24/2025
Tuition: As Indicated. ---------------------------- Prerequisites: Prerequisite: PSY 100 and PSY 230 or permission
n/a Online 5/27/2025 - 7/3/2025 Charles L Dufour

SFR 207 Forest Field Skills and Management

Field course designed to provide professional, hands-on training for all forest resource students in field safety, field measurement techniques, wildlife monitoring, best management practices for harvest-roads and stream crossings, chainsaw operation, fire suppression training, lumber grading, and situational awareness around active forest equipment. Students need to have completed First Aid and CPR training for loggers within the past 10 months.

Class Number: 21855
Credits: 2
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 5/11/2025 - 5/23/2025
Status: Open
Enrollment: 3 of 26 seats
Location: UM Off-site
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. The course fee is $1,092. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is 5/11/2025.

Location: Eddington, ME
Travel Dates: 5/11/25-5/19/25
Tuition: As Indicated. -------------------------- Prerequisites: Prerequisites: SFR 201 and SFR 205
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Arranged 5/11/2025 - 5/23/2025 Shawn Ray Fraver, Michael Premer

SFR 301 Field Course in Parks, Recreation and Tourism

Principles and techniques used to manage recreation opportunities in natural resource settings. Field trips are organized to reveal a diversity of recreation sites and associated planning and management by private businesses and public agencies to provide quality recreation experiences while also preserving environmental resource conditions.

Class Number: 21854
Credits: 1
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 5/12/2025 - 5/16/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): John Joseph Daigle
Enrollment: 5 of 12 seats
Location: Winter Harbor
Instruction Method: By Arrangement
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. The course fee is $951. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is 5/12/2025.

Location: Winter Harbor, ME
Travel Dates: 5/12/25-5/16/25
Tuition: As Indicated. ---------------------------- Prerequisites: Prerequisite: Sophomore Standing
n/a 5/12/2025 - 5/16/2025 John Joseph Daigle

SMS 450 Field Experience in Marine Sciences

An approved field, research or work experience that contributes to the academic major and for which academic credit is given. The program of study is agreed upon by the student and the faculty advisor and may include independent research or work experience in the public or private sector. May also be taken as a field or laboratory supplement to an SMS lecture course and as such is required for certain courses offered as part of the Semester-by-the-Sea program. A written report or reports are required. Course will include field trips during class hours.

Class Number: 21537
Credits: 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 5/12/2025 - 8/22/2025
Status: Closed
Instructor(s): Walter Joseph Golet
Enrollment: 0 of 0 seats
Location: UM Off-site
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. The course fee is XXXX. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is XXXX.

Travel Dates:
Tuition: As Indicated. ------------------------------- Prerequisites:
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Arranged 5/12/2025 - 8/22/2025 Walter Joseph Golet

SMS 491 Problems in Marine Science

Undergraduate studies of current problems in marine science directed by individual faculty. May be experimental or theoretical independent research or directed readings by an individual student. May be repeated for credit.

Sharks Form and Function

Class Number: 21459
Credits: 2
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 7/28/2025 - 8/1/2025
Status: Closed
Enrollment: 0 of 0 seats
Location: Walpole
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. -----------------------------. Sharks Form and Function Undergraduate studies of current problems in marine science directed by individual faculty. May be experimental or theoretical independent research or directed readings by an individual student. May be repeated for credit.

The course fee is XXXX. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is XXXX.

Travel Dates:
Tuition: As Indicated Prerequisites:
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Arranged 7/28/2025 - 8/1/2025 Ian R Bricknell, Walter Joseph Golet

SOC 340 Intermediate Topics in Sociology

An intermediate-level study of topics such as "Sociology of Emotions," "Sociology of Science and Technology," and "Modern Sociological Theory." May be repeated for credit if the topics differ.

Class Number: 21492
Credits: 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 5/12/2025 - 5/30/2025
Status: Closed
Instructor(s): Karyn Sporer
Enrollment: 11 of 0 seats
Location: UM Off-site
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. The course fee is $2,474.42. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is 2/10/2025.

Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Travel Dates: 5/12/2025-5/30/2025
Tuition: As Indicated. -------------------------- Prerequisites: Prerequisite: 6 hours of sociology courses or permission
n/a 5/12/2025 - 5/30/2025 Karyn Sporer

SPI 697 Independent Study

Provides an opportunity for well qualified students to pursue a selected topic in great depth under the supervision of an individual faculty member. The topic is to be determined in consultation with the faculty instructor.

Class Number: 21792
Credits: 1 - 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 5/12/2025 - 5/30/2025
Status: Closed
Enrollment: 0 of 0 seats
Location: UM Off-site
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. The course fee is $2,474.42. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is 2/10/2025.

Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Travel Dates: 5/12/2025-5/30/2025
Tuition: As Indicated. --------------------------- Prerequisites:
n/a 5/12/2025 - 5/30/2025 Robert W Glover, Karyn Sporer

WLE 250 Wildlife Field Survey

Two week field course stressing the use and application of wildlife research and management techniques, collection and analysis of biological data and the recognition of wildlife species and their habitats.

Class Number: 21718
Credits: 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0870
Dates: 5/12/2025 - 5/23/2025
Status: Closed
Instructor(s): Lindsay C Seward
Enrollment: 0 of 0 seats
Location: UM Off-site
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. The course fee is XXXX. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is XXXX.

Location: Trescott, ME
Travel Dates: 5/12/25-5/23/25
Tuition: As Indicated. ---------------------------- Prerequisites: Prerequisite: WLE 100 and a C- or better in WLE 200, WLE 201, and WLE 220.Wildlife Ecology major.
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Arranged 5/12/2025 - 5/23/2025 Lindsay C Seward

Class Number: 21719
Credits: 3
Class Component: Travel Course
Section: 0871
Dates: 5/12/2025 - 5/23/2025
Status: Closed
Instructor(s): Erik Blomberg
Enrollment: 0 of 0 seats
Location: UM Off-site
Instruction Method: In-Person
More Information
This is a Travel Study course. Please note that travel study courses are subject to UMS travel policy, including requirements posted here, as well as applicable state and federal guidelines. Students should not enroll in the course unless they expect to meet all requirements. Additional fees will be incurred for travel related expenses. See instructor for more information and to register. The course fee is XXXX. Please note, the course fee refund deadline is different from the standard tuition add/drop deadline. The course fee refund deadline is XXXX.

Location: Trescott, ME
Travel Dates: 5/12/25-5/23/25
Tuition: As Indicated. ------------------------------ Prerequisites: Prerequisite: WLE 100 and a C- or better in WLE 200, WLE 201, and WLE 220.Wildlife Ecology major.
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Arranged 5/12/2025 - 5/23/2025 Erik Blomberg