4-H and Outdoor Learning Summer Camps

Blueberry Cove Summer Camp & Learning Center
St. George, Maine
Day Camp: Ages 4-12
Residential Camp: Ages 8-14
Sailing Camp: Ages 9-17
Leadership Adventure Programs: Ages 12-17
Experience the enchantment of living by the sea with islands to explore and adventures to be had. Day, residential, and trip programs for ages 4-17.
Bryant Pond 4-H Summer Camps & Learning Center
Bryant Pond, Maine
Day Camp: Ages 6-12
Naturalist Program: Ages 7-15
Primative Program: Ages 7-17
Maine Woods Adventure: Ages 7-17
Camp North Woods: Ages 9-13
4-H Shooting Sports: Ages 10-15
Woodscraft Program: Ages 10-18
Teen Leadership: Ages 14-18
Summer camp at Bryant Pond is a unique blend of traditional camp activities with fun and challenging outdoor and conservation.
Greenland Point 4-H Summer Camp & Learning Center
Princeton, Maine
Day Camp: Ages 5-12
Naturalist Program: Ages 7-15
Woodscraft Program: Ages 9-15
Primative Program: Ages 10-15
4-H Shooting Sports: Ages 10-15
Summer camp at Greenland Point includes outdoor skills development, cooling swims, canoeing at our beautiful waterfront, hiking, and learning basic survival and outdoor safety skills. Everyone looks forward to the Thursday night campfire, a fun-filled evening of skits, songs, stories, and laughs.
Tanglewood 4-H Summer Camp & Learning Center
Lincolnville, Maine
Day Camp: Ages 4-11
Residential Camp: Ages 8-14
Middle School Day Camp: Grades 5-7
Adventure Trips: Ages 11-15
Leadership Camp: Ages 14-17
Wild wonders abound in the woods along the Ducktrap River where art, music, and science meet. Day, residential, and trip programs for ages 4-17.