Elise Morphy — video transcript

I’ve always really loved science since I was a kid, like I would just devour these kind of made for kids books about medicine that my parents would get me. So next year I’m going to stay at UMaine for an extra year, pursue some Graduate Studies, and then after that I hope to go to medical school back home in Canada. I’ve always really liked leading and inspiring people, I got to be in a leadership position with the women’s ice hockey team here this year and I really fell in love with that kind of role so I’d really like to continue to pursue leadership opportunities that way and just keep inspiring people. The community here has been everything. I think that that was the biggest draw to me when I was deciding where I wanted to go was the community it’s been just the most supportive environment, especially all of the athletic staff and the student athletes here is just so incredible I’ve always felt like I have been super comfortable asking for help, and everyone’s been there to support me every step of the way. One of the best experiences I had here was my senior night that happened this year with the women’s ice hockey team it just brought back so many amazing memories and reminded me why I do what I do and just allowed me to kind of re-appreciate all the people that have gotten me where I am. There’s such an incredible community here and it really comes out of the games. We have like the most incredible fan base and community that’s supporting women’s hockey and that was just really amazing to be able to look back and appreciate everything that’s been given to me over the past four years. Yeah and we won, that that was a cherry on top, yeah.