Devin Frazer — video transcript

It was kind of a toss-up between Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Technology. I learned a lot about the program online from UMaine’s website, and I discovered kind of the more practical hands-on approach that Engineering Technology takes, and I was more interested in that than the kind of more theoretical front end of the Mechanical Engineering. I think everything really clicked for me honestly during Design I and Design II, which are kind of the classes that precede Capstone, so pretty late in the game I came to the realization that this was the path for me just because that was one of the first courses where everything kind of came together and I went oh, this is what Engineering is, this is how engineers work, and I think learning that really solidified that I was on the right path. I am actually in the Naval ROTC program here on campus so after graduation I’ll be commissioning as an officer into the Navy, and then I have a 5-year slash additional 2-year contract with them where I’ll be a submarine officer, and then I have a engineering duty officer option which is essentially two years after my 5-year contract I’ll be able to go and do engineering duty officer duties, which is like kind of construction and overhaul of ships in port and that’s where the major will kind of be brought back with that whole focus on construction and manufacturing. I applied to a lot of different scholarships and the Navy reached out and told me that I had received the 4-year national scholarship for them, and one of the options was coming here to University of Maine and I chose this place and I think it worked out pretty well.