Mensinger, Matthew

Mathew Mensinger, Ph.D. – EES
Co-Advisor:  Joseph Zydlewski – Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Co-Advisor:  Alessio Mortelliti – Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology
Start Date:  Spring 2021
M.S. 2020, Wildlife Ecology, University of Maine
B.A. 2016, Biology, Carleton College, 207.581.2939

Biography:  I’m from Duluth, MN, but spent every summer with my family at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA. This led to my interest in fish, research, and education, and following my undergrad, I worked as a fisheries observer across southern New England. When I’m not in the office, I enjoy hiking, paddling, and playing pickup basketball.

Current Research:  My research aims to better understand predation on Atlantic salmon smolts through historical telemetry data, acoustic predation tags, and direct observation of predation events.