Application Process

Prospective graduate students must submit their application to the School of Economics through the University of Maine’s Graduate School. A complete application includes:

  • The application form.
  • Statement of Purpose describing your economic research interests, related experience, career goals, and why our program is a good fit. <Roughly 1 – 2 pages long in a 12-point font with line-spacing at 1.5-2.0>
  • Resume/CV.
  • Official transcripts of all undergraduate grades (unofficial transcripts are sufficient for the initial review).
  • Required test scores (including English proficiency for international students).
  • Three letters of recommendation.
  • The application fee.

You must click submit for the application to be sent to us for review.

Application Timing

The application deadline is January 15. Applicants must submit all required application materials by this deadline to be considered for admission with financial support. Recommendation letters may arrive a few days later, but all letters must be received by January 31.

Admission and funding decisions for the School of Economics will be made in early March.

For more information about assistantships, please review our Graduate Funding page.

Please note that applications submitted outside the admission cycle may not be reviewed until the following Fall semester.

Types of Admission

(1) Regular admission: Granted to a student whose academic records and supporting documents indicate they are fully qualified to undertake graduate study.

(2) Provisional admission:Granted to a student who does not have all the prerequisites for admission to graduate study but has a record that clearly indicates the student is otherwise prepared to undertake graduate study. Prerequisite courses, listed on our Admission Requirements page, must be completed before starting their graduate program.

(3) Conditional admission: Granted to a student whose academic record indicates deficiencies but suggests some promise of success in graduate study. Students on conditional status must earn grades of “A” or “B” in their first nine hours of graduate credit to continue graduate study. Students admitted on a conditional basis are not eligible for an Assistantship until their status changes.

International Applications

The School of Economics has graduate students from all over the world and welcomes applications outside the United States. The international application process is often long and involved, so international students are urged to begin the application process very early. Detailed application information for international students can be found at the Graduate School. Applicants from countries where English is not the primary language must furnish proof of their proficiency in English.


*If you have questions, please review our FAQ page. You can also complete an Application Inquiry form (at the bottom of the FAQ page) or email the Graduate Coordinator: Dr. Keith S. Evans: