Waring presents webinar in the Prosocial World seminar series

Dr. Tim Waring, Associate Professor in the School of Economics, gave an open webinar, The Role of Cooperation in the Evolution of Cooperatives, in the Prosocial World seminar series. Waring delivered his talk to a global audience on February 10, 2023. His webinar explored the fundamental question – How do organizations evolve? Dr. Waring generally addressed this question using the example of food buying clubs, which are small informal consumer cooperatives in which people share bulk purchases and buy specialty foods. While successful buying clubs sometimes grow large enough to open a storefront, others struggle or expire. Dr. Waring argues that food buying clubs rely on cooperation to survive, making them vulnerable to the internal threat of free-riding. Waring shows how food buying clubs overcome the free-riding problem. Evidence from interviews, surveys, stakeholder research, agent-based simulation and behavioral experiments suggest that cooperatives must adopt individual norms and group practices to maintain cooperation. In food-buying clubs, cooperation is likely maintained through informal reciprocity among members. Dr. Waring uses these results to draw inferences about the role of cooperation in the evolution of human organizations generally.

For more information about Dr. Waring, click here.

For more information about his webinar and the Prosocial World seminar series, click here.