SOE Assistant Professor Jonathan Malacarne shared research on behavioral nudges at NAREA Conference

SOE Assistant Professor Jonathan Malacarne presented his research on behavioral nudges at the 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Associaton (NAREA). His talk entitled The Helpful and Harmful Potential of Behavioral Nudges focused on tradeoffs involving the use of behavioral nudges. Dr. Malacarne’s work builds off the observation that many well-intentioned programs seek to induce investment – in the form of entrepreneurship, education, or technology, and recognizes that as economists have accepted psychological traits as determinants of choice, they have become targets for nudge-based interventions. His work notes that psychology and economics research both suggests that psychological traits are informed by a decision-maker’s environment and experiences, and, as such, they often contain relevant information about the expected returns to investment. Dr. Malacarne’s paper argues that interventions seeking to promote investment by nudging psychological traits dangerously toe the line of prioritizing implementer beliefs over local experience.  Great talk Jonathan !  And stay tuned SOE Community for more insights from Dr. Malacarne on behavioral nudges.

For more information about the 2020 Virtual NAREA Conference, click here.