Science and medicine updates

Science and medicine updates, April 28

Maine statistics and COVID-19 updates from Maine; Debunking COVID-19 Myths; Mental health effects on healthcare workers; Re-thinking widespread ventilator use for COVID-19 cases; Most contagious phase of COVID-19 is before symptoms start; Comparing policies for COVID-19 responses; Resources and Recommended Readings; Reputable online resources with COVID-19 data    

Science and Medicine Updates, April 28

Maine statistics and COVID-19 updates from Maine; Debunking COVID-19 Myths; Mental health effects on healthcare workers; Re-thinking widespread ventilator use for COVID-19 cases; Most contagious phase of COVID-19 is before symptoms start; Comparing policies for COVID-19 responses; Resources and Recommended Readings; Reputable online resources with COVID-19 data

read more Science and medicine updates, April 28