Financial Disclosure Review Committee

Financial Disclosure Review Committee Year-End Report 2018-2019

Function: The University of Maine is committed to preserving and furthering ethical conduct, institutional integrity, and public confidence in research pursuits. University of Maine personnel engaged in extramurally funded work shall act at all times in a manner consistent with their public responsibilities to the University and shall exercise particular care that no detriment to the University results from conflicts between their personal financial interests and the interests of the University. Such interests can threaten – or seem to threaten – the integrity of educational programs and research agendas, the free dissemination of scholarship, and the appropriate use of public resources for public benefit. Accordingly, investigators shall disclose all significant financial interests they may have in extramurally funded work and shall adhere to any conditions or restrictions imposed by the University to manage, eliminate, or reduce conflicts relating to those interests. As described in the Policies and Procedures for Financial Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest in Extramurally Sponsored Activities, the Committee shall be responsible for (a) reviewing financial disclosures, (b) developing or approving plans to manage or eliminate conflicts of interest, and (c) advising the campus community about the Policy.

Membership: The Committee shall be comprised of the Vice President for Research (Chair), the Director of Research Administration, the Vice President for Innovation and Economic Development, the Director of Research Compliance (Secretary) the Chair of the Research and Scholarship Committee of the Faculty Senate, and one tenured faculty member from each College, appointed by their respective Deans to be staggered for three-year terms.

Reports to: Vice President for Research & Dean of the Graduate School