Post Award Services Roles & Responsibilities

The following is a brief outline of roles and responsibilities between the Principal Investigator (PI) and the Office of Research Administration (ORA):

Post Award Services PI ORA
Grant Transfers X X
No Cost Extension Request X X
Monthly Reconciliation X  
Changes in Principal Investigator X X
Reporting Requirements X X
Scope of Work Changes X  
Time & Effort Reporting X X
Closeout X X

PI Role and Responsibility

Throughout the life of an award, it is the PI’s responsibility to ensure compliance with the award terms and conditions. The PI should familiarize themselves with the defined Roles & Responsibilities of a Principal Investigator at the University of Maine. All requests for post award changes should be made by the PI in a timely manner to ensure adequate time for ORA approval and sponsor notification under the terms and conditions of the award.

For Non-Federal sponsored programs (e.g. industry, foundations, foreign government, non-profits), consult the terms of the agreement for guidance as requirements vary depending on the sponsor’s policies. When the award is silent, PIs should follow the guidance below for Federal grants and cooperative agreements.

Federal contracts are restrictive and must be closely monitored.

Federal grants and cooperative agreements often provide more flexibility under Expanded Authorities and PIs have the flexibility to make changes to their awards except as described below.

Contact ORA Post Award Support Staff to get more guidance.

ORA Role and Responsibility

Post Award Support staff are responsible for making requests to sponsors, in consultation with the PI as necessary, to obtain changes to an existing University of Maine award. Post Award will recommend terms where appropriate.

Post Award is responsible for acceptance of changes to awards on behalf of the University.