Graduate Assessment Update
Graduate programs have continued to make progress with learning outcomes assessment planning through the fall and winter, with all graduate program coordinators having communicated with OIRA about assessment within the past year. To date, 100 of the 159 active graduate degree programs have program learning outcomes. We have received and provided feedback on assessment plans for 39, and curriculum maps for 58 programs.
In addition to meeting one-on-one with many programs, since September OIRA has offered four roundtable discussions (two for MCEC faculty, one for LAS faculty, and one for COEHD faculty) and two workshops focused on rubric development for program assessment. A roundtable with ELH faculty was held last academic year in May 2023. These events were attended by 31 graduate faculty and 2 associate deans, with some faculty attending both a roundtable discussion and one of the rubric workshops.
CLAS and interdisciplinary graduate programs are scheduled to submit their first 3-year assessment reflection reports by June 30, and we have scheduled reporting info. sessions April 18 (11-12:00) and May 6 (1-2:00) to support this effort (contact if you are interested in attending). OIRA and the Assessment Advisory Board will review submitted plans and provide formative feedback. Programs are also encouraged to reach out to OIRA staff any time with questions or to request a meeting.