Spring 2021 Enrollment Update

The spring census date, when we capture the official enrollment numbers, was February 15.  Some spring census highlights are:


  • Overall UM spring enrollment, including Early College, was up by 530 students (5%): 11,383 this year vs. 10,853 last year. Excluding Early College, enrollment was 3% above last year (10,961 this year vs. 10,626 last year). 
  • Total undergraduate enrollment was at 8,969, 2% above last year.
  • Total graduate enrollment was 2,414 (15% above last year).  This is a record for graduate enrollment at UMaine.
  •  Early College enrollment was up by 195 students (85% increase over last year).     
  • Degree-seeking undergraduate enrollment was up by 46 students (1%) and degree-seeking graduate enrollment is up by 384 students (21%).
  • Overall fall-to-spring retention rate for degree-seeking undergraduates was flat to last year at 91%.  The fall-to-spring retention rate for first-year students was down by 1 percentage point (89% vs. 90%).


  • Overall, enrollment at the University of Maine at Machias, including Early College, was flat to last year at 680.  Excluding Early College, enrollment was down by 75 students (a 14% decrease).  
  • Early College enrollment was up by 75 students (52% increase over last year).
  • Overall fall-to-spring retention was three percentage points below last year (80% vs. 83%).

The Spring 2021 Majors Report (i.e., enrollment by major, academic unit, and college) has now been posted to our website here. Spring 2021 Enrollment Report