Climate Change

UMaine Students Compete in IGERT Video, Poster Contest

Two entries from University of Maine graduate students have been submitted into the National Science Foundation’s Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) program’s 2013 Video and Poster Competition. Maureen Correll and Bjorn Grigholm, graduate students in the Adaptation to Abrupt Climate Change IGERT program at UMaine, submitted a video and poster titled “Abrupt Climate […]

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VillageSoup Previews Tisher’s Talk on Climate Change

The VillageSoup previewed a slide talk on climate change by Sharon Tisher, environmental lawyer and University of Maine economics professor. Tisher will present “Climate Reality: Connecting the Dots Between Extreme Weather and Global Warming” at Camden Public Library on June 4.

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Hamilton Talks to Field Notes About Research

Field Notes recently interviewed University of Maine professor of glaciology Gordon Hamilton about his research. Hamilton plans to use his knowledge of glaciers and their flow patterns to aid the U.S. government in uncovering World War II plane wreckage in Greenland.

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Jacobson Cited in Mainebiz Article on Climate Change

Mainebiz interviewed George Jacobson, professor emeritus of biology, ecology and climate change at the University of Maine, for the article “Maine companies prep for rise in climate change planning.” Jacobson said because CO2 levels continue to rise, contributing to higher temperatures around the globe, companies need to think about adaptation planning.

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WLBZ and WVII Report on UMaine’s Ranking as a Top Green School

WLBZ (Channel 2) and WVII (Channel 7) reported on Princeton Review’s ranking of the University of Maine as one of the most environmentally responsible colleges in the U.S. and Canada for the fourth consecutive year. Daniel Dixon, sustainability coordinator at UMaine, spoke about the ranking.

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Posters Focus on Climate Change

Over 25 digital posters by University of Maine Art Department students in Kerstin Engman’s 2-D design class are on display through finals week in Hauck Auditorium. The posters depict climate change issues, such as sustainability and the divestiture of fossil fuels, and are the result of a collaboration between Engman and Karen Marysdaughter, organizer with […]

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WABI, WVII Report on Earth Day Talk

WABI (Channel 5) and WVII (Channel 7) reported on the University of Maine’s observance of Earth Day. Unity College President Stephen Mulkey was the featured speaker. Mulkey spoke about his college’s decision to divest from fossil fuels and the importance of climate change.

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Denton Among Winners of Phi Beta Kappa Book Award in Science

Professor George Denton of the Climate Change Institute, and co-authors Philip Conkling, Richard Alley and Wallace Broecker are recipients of the Phi Beta Kappa Book Award in Science for “The Fate of Greenland: Lessons from Abrupt Climate Change,” published in 2011. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to science literature. As noted in Phi Beta Kappa […]

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Grew Cited in Harvard ‘Colloquy’

The spring issue of “Colloquy,” the alumni magazine of the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, cites the news of two recently discovered minerals named for UMaine research professor Edward Grew. Grew has been studying minerals for more than half a century and has helped discover 13 new ones.

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Borns Symposium April 22–23

The 21st annual Borns Symposium at the University of Maine, April 22–23, this year will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Climate Change Institute. The event, named for institute founder Harold Borns, features UMaine climate change scientists presenting their latest research. Highlights of the two-day symposium, which is free and open to the public, include […]

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