Inquire Within reports on Maine AgrAbility’s Boots-2-Bushels

Inquire Within, the digital magazine from the organization WorkingNation, reported on Maine AgrAbility’s Boots-2-Bushels program, which teaches military veterans the skills needed to be their own agribusiness bosses. The 30-week program, which launched in January, includes classes taught by experts from the University of Maine Cooperative Extension and the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, as well as field work designed to help veterans and their families transition into agriculture careers. “Veterans are well-suited to working in agriculture for several reasons: work ethic, dedication, perseverance, creativity, and resilience,” said Anne Devin, Maine AgrAbility Farmer Veteran outreach coordinator. Devin and her husband, both veterans of the Marine Corps, worked with UMaine Extension to create Boots-2-Bushels.