Connected Knowledge

Jim Merkel's Saving Walden's World, University of Maine 2024

Permaculture thrives at UMaine

What ties happiness, women’s empowerment, and sustainable living together? A UMaine permaculture course created by New Media faculty explored this question with Jim Merkel, director of the award-winning documentary Saving Walden’s World. On December 3rd, the Fernald Center hosted a packed screening of Merkel’s film, which highlights the connection between happiness, land stewardship, and women-led […]

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Shaker Entangled Ecologies ar Reticle 2

NEH augmented reality app reveals forest secrets

Entangled Ecologies, a NEH-funded augmented reality project by New Media’s Joline Blais and Dartmouth’s John Bell, enriches any visit to New Hampshire’s Shaker Forest with a rich blend of historical and ecological research.

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At the Edge of Art by Joline Blais and Jon Ippolito

Can artists help us design ethical technology?

How has the boundary between art and non-art shifted in the Internet age, and what does that mean for design, activism, science, and other creative activities? This question is the subject of a Dario Moalli’s fall 2019 interview with New Media faculty and Still Water co-directors Joline Blais and Jon Ippolito in the venerable periodical […]

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