Agricultural and Resource Economics
Following is a list of publications on agricultural and resource economics topics that are available from the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station. Some publications are also available in an electronic format, which may be accessed by clicking on the publication number.
- B854–Cost of producing milk in Maine: Results from the 2013 Dairy Cost-of-Production Survey, by Chen, Anderson, Bouchard, McGuire, Criner, and Marcinkowksi (2016)
- B853–Cost of producing milk in Maine: Results from the 2010 Dairy Cost-of-Production Survey, by Kersbergen, Anderson, Criner, and Davis (2013)
- B851–A comparative analysis of organic dairy farms in Maine and Vermont: Farm financial information from 2004 to 2006, by Dalton et al. (2008)
- B850–Representative farm budgets and performance indicators for integrated farming practices in Maine, by Hoshide, Dalton and Smith (2004)
- B848–Economic analysis of fiber-reinforced polymer wood beams, by Stevens and Criner (2000)
- B845–The cost of doing business and economic performance in Maine: A regional comparison, by Allen and Watkins (1995)
- B840–Firm formation, firm failure, and competitiveness: An overview of Maine’s entreprenuerial economy, by Watkins and Allen (1994)
- B839–Black bear hunting in Maine: Do hunter characteristics affect opinions regarding hunting regulations?, by ElHamazaoui, et al. (1994)
- B836–Financing rural roads and bridges in the northern New England states, by Deller and Halstead (1991)
- B835–Landfills and municipal solid waste in Maine, by Criner, Halstead, and Curtin (1991)
- B834–An economic analysis of crops grown in rotation with potatoes in Aroostook County, Maine, by Westra and Boyle.
- B833–A residential waste stream analysis: Orono, Maine 1990, by Criner and Jacobs (1991)
- B832–The profitability of supplemental irrigation for Maine potatoes, by Marra and Woods (1990)
- B831–The role of human capital in the adoption of conservation tillage: The case of Aroostook County, Maine, potato farmers, by Marra and Ssali (1990)
- B827–Toward a cooperative marketing strategy for fresh wild blueberries, by Woods, Marra, and Leiby (1989)
- B826–The structure of economic growth in Maine and New England, by Deller (1989)
- B823–Transporting fresh blueberries from Maine to the Boston market: A look at the economic alternatives, by Hoelper and Marra (1989)
- B822–The economic benefits of late-season black fly control, by Reiling, Boyle, Phillips, Trefts, and Anderson (1988)
- B817–A profile of the farm financial sector in Maine, by Swanberg and Marra (1987)
- B812–Dairy farmer indebtedness in Maine, by Thurston, Criner, and Reeb (1986)
- B807–A study of the Maine lamb industry, by Criner and Parker (1984)
- B804–The growth and change of high technology industries in the state of Maine: Implication for state and local development policy, by Watkins and Allen (1984)
- B797–Consumer purchasing habits, acceptance and preferences for direct marketed small farm horticultural commodities in Maine, by Buitenhuys, Kezis, and Kerr (1983)
- B796–A comparison of direct market user and nonuser habits, acceptance, and preferences for direct marketed small farms horticulture, by Buitenhuys, et al. (1983)
- B795–Production, marketing, socioecomomic characteristics and the perceived needs of Maine’s small farmers, by Buitenhuys and Kezis (1983)
- B787–Impact on producer prices from expanding the New England marketing areas federal milk order to include the state of Maine, by Metzger (1982)
- B784–Impact of government regulation on consumers and the milk industry in Maine, by Metzger (1982)
- B781–Costs of transporting packaged dairy products by tractor-trailer in the Northeast, by Metzger 1982
- B780–A cost analysis of pruning procedures in lowbush blueberry production, by Hansen, Ismail, and Metzger (1982)
- B774–Income variability among representative egg farms, by Skinner (1981)
- B772–Prevailing supermarket milk prices in Maine and other states, by Metzger (1980)
- B768–Trends in the landings of fish and shellfish in Maine 1928-1976, by Dunham and McGrath (1980)
- B763–The perceptions, attitudes, and reactions of Maine commercial fishermen regarding extended jurisdiction and fishery management, by Ferguson and Dunham (1979)
- B756–Factors affecting the unit of milk distribution, by Metzger (1979)
- B752–Reserve milk supplies of milk processors in Maine and Massachusetts, by Metzger (1978)
- B742–Improving the incomes of small farm families in coastal Maine, by Metzger and Flanders (1977)
- B738–Costs and returns in lowbush blueberry production in Maine, by Metzger and Ismail (1977)
- B732–Competitive position of the Maine poultry industry, by Micka (1977)
- B730–Costs, returns and capital requirements for producing potatoes in Maine, by Krofta and Harlan (1977)
- B724–Marketing fresh fruits and vegetables through roadside stands and pick your own operations in Maine, by Metzger and Erhardt (1976)
- B722–An analysis of the dealer-processor sector of the Maine soft-shell clam industry, by Prysunka, et al. ( 1976)
- B721–Economic impacts of a changing labor force in Aroostook County, Maine; phase 2: effects on the area economy, by Micka and Krofta (1976)
- B720–Costs and efficiency in marketing fresh lowbush blueberries in Maine, by Metzger and Ismail (1976)
- B716–Utilization of production and marketing by Maine potato producers, by Pelsue (1975)
- B713–Small farms in the lower Penobscot River area, their resources and income, by Metzger (1975)
- B710–Marketing fresh vegetables through roadside stands, by Metzger, et al. (1974)
- B709–An evaluation of the potential for Maine-raised oysters, by Dunham and Bray (1974)
- B708–Growth and disappearance of dairy farms in Maine, by Krofta (1974)
- B705–Market structure analysis of the Maine shrimp industry, by Dunham and Stinson (1973)
- B704–Costs and returns on Maine apple farms, by Geiss and Harlan (1973)
- B701–Costs, returns and efficiency of potato production in Mainem by Harlan (1973)
- B694–Estimated cash flows and profitability of Maine broiler farms, by Wing and Geiss (1971)
- B681–Economic impacts of a changing labor force in Aroostook County, Maine. Phase 1: Effects on potato farm organization, by Micka and Krofta (1970)
Technical Bulletins
- TB205–Cost of supplemental irrigation for potato production in Maine, by Silver, Afeworki, and Criner (2011)
- TB204–Organic milk production in Maine: Attributes, costs, and returns, by Cook, el al. (2010)
- TB198–Economic analysis of organic pest management strategies for wild blueberries using enterprise budgeting, by Files, Yarborough, and Drummond (2008)
- TB193–The cost of producing milk in Maine: Results from the 2005 dairy cost of production survey, by Dalton and Bragg (2006)
- TB189–The cost of producing milk in Maine: Results from the 2002 dairy cost of production survey, by Dalton and Bragg (2003)
- TB185–Designing a labeling policy for genetically modified food: Results of focus group research, by Teisl et al. (2002)
- TB184–Least-cost options for the collection, treatment, and disposal of biomedical waste in Maine, by Files, Allen, and Criner (2002)
- TB183–Investment, ownership and operating costs of supplemental irrigation systems for Maine wild blueberries, by Dalton, Files, and Yarborough (2002)
- TB182–Agricultural land changes in Maine: A compilation and brief analysis of Census of Agriculture data, 1850-1997, by Ahn et al. (2002)
- TB181–2000 milk processing costs in Maine, by Dalton, Criner, and Halloran (2001)
- TB171–Investigations into the potential of measuring biodiversity in Maine’s forests with Forest Inventory and Analysis data, by Allen and Plantinga (1999)
- TB168–Time-series analysis of Maine stumpage prices, by Lindahl and Plantinga (1997)
- TB166–Maximum entropy estimation and land use shares and transitions, by Plantinga and Miller (1997)
- TB161–Forestry investments and option values: Theory and estimation, by Plantinga (1996)
- TB158–Milk processing and distribution costs: Maine 1993, by Howick, Criner, and Jacobs (1994)
- TB140–Milk processing and distribution costs: The Maine model, by Jacobs and Criner (1990)
- TB135–The estimation of the returns to agricultural research and extension in Maine: 1951-1985, by Leiby and Adams (1989)
- TB111–An examination of alternative investment strategies for potato market improvement funds, by Nowak and Kezis (1983)
- TB102–A Markov analysis of structural change and output prediction in the New England egg industry, by Skinner (1980)
- TB101–The relevance of option value in benefit-cost analyses, by Reiling and Anderson (1980)
- TB096–A prediction model for Maine’s potato production, by Kezis, Hammig, Ribaudo (1979)
- TB093–The impact of price deregulation and changes in assembly and processing costs on the marketing of milk in Maine, by Taylor, et al. (1979)
- TB087–Delivery costs per package on whole-sale milk routes–a comparison of two methods of cost allocation, by Flanders and Metzger (1977)
- TB079–The economic impact of expanding the federal milk order into northern New England, by Metzger and Webster (1976)
- TB077–Paths out of poverty: Research in the Northeast (1976)
- TB037–Economic analysis of camping-oriented recreation firms: Part two: Manual for Maine outdoor recreation firm simulation, by Grueter (1969)
- TB036–Economic analysis of camping-oriented recreation firms: Part one: Simulation of a recreactional firm: Flow chart and computer program, by Grueter (1969)
Miscellaneous Publications
- MP748 Public Conservation Land and Economic Growth in the Northern Forest Region, by Lewis and Plantinga (2001)
- MP744–The economics of land use: A bibliography,by Plantinga (1999)
- MP715–Marketing Maine wreaths, McConnon, Lilley, and Holden (1992)
Miscellaneous Reports
- MR446–Profiles of Sixteen Eastern Maine Fishing Communities, by Teresa R. Johnson, et al. (2015)
- MR442–Business climate for Maine’s environmental and energy technology sector, by Noblet and Gabe (2007)
- MR434–Designing effective environmental labels for passenger vehicle sales in Maine: Results of focus group research, by Teisl, et al. (2004)
- MR432—The business climate for biotechnology in Maine, by Allen and Gabe (2003)
- MR427–Flexible greenhouse gas emission banking systems, by Rubin and Leiby (2002)
- MR426–The contribution of the golf industry to the Maine economy, by Allen and Gabe (2001)
- MR421—The effects of water clarity on economic values and economic impacts of recreational uses of Maine’s great ponds, by Schuetz et al. (2001)
- MR420–Designing effective environmental labels for forest products: Results of focus group research, by Teisl et al. (2000)
- MR418–Farm property taxes in Maine, by Allen and Boyle (2000)
- MR414–Public preferences for timber harvesting on private forest land purchased for public ownership in Maine, by Boyle and Teisl (1999)
- MR410–Lakefront property owners’ economic demand for water clarity in Maine Lakes, by Boyle, et al. (1998)
- MR409–Economic benefits of wetlands: A hedonic study in Windham, Maine, by Kluge and White (1999)
- MR407–Input use in Maine’s wood products industry, by Lindahl and Plantinga (1998)
- MR398 –Water Quality Affects Property Prices: A Case Study of Selected Maine Lakes, by Boyle et al. (1996)
- MR379–Wood-using industry and manufacturing networks in Denmark–An introductory assessment and lessons for Maine, by Irland (1993)
- MR374–Measuring tourism impacts at the community level, ed. by Reiling (1993)
- MR372–The U.S. lobster market and seasonal exvessel price response, by Cheng and Townsend (1992)
- MR358–An economic and waste management analysis of Maine’s bottle deposit legislation, by Criner, Jacobs, and Peavey (1991)
- MR355–Consumer evaluations of selected Maine potato varieties in home use: Findings from market tests of 1988 and 1989, Smith (1991)
- MR351–A collection of regional economic models for the state of Maine: an application of the IMPLAN modeling system, by Deller (1991)
- MR344–Documentation for the Maine Farm Energy Audit System, by Jacobs and Criner (199