Local shellfish project launched

The Leslie Lab at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center invites current and past shellfish license-holders to participate in shellfish surveys in July on Damariscotta tidal flats. These surveys will help inform future stewardship of the shellfish resources managed jointly by the towns of Damariscotta and Newcastle.

For more information or to volunteer, contact Pellowe at 303.895.7674.

The survey team, which is led by Kara Pellowe, a graduate student in Leslie’s Lab and based at the DMC, is gathering data during the low tides with undergraduate interns Jessica Woodall and Cassandra Strauch in order to assess the abundance, composition and size of soft-shell clams and other shellfish harvested in this area.

For more information or to volunteer, contact Pellowe at 303.895.7674.

Read more about the project here.