Video with Katie Westbrook about Sea-to-Sky Field Experience class
Video with Katie Westbrook, Earth and Climate Sciences student, about the ERS-410 Sea-to-Sky Field Experience class.
Video with Katie Westbrook, Earth and Climate Sciences student, about the ERS-410 Sea-to-Sky Field Experience class.
Guleed Ali, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University The fluctuations of Mono Lake, California, during and since the last Ice Age
Steve NortUNIVERSITY OF MAINE SCHOOL OF EARTH AND CLIMATE SCIENCES Brown Bag Seminar Wednesday - 12:00 noon November 1, 2017 100 Bryand Global Sciences Center Dr. Steve Norton, Professor Emeritus […]
Dr. Matthew Siegfried Title: Deep, dark, and wet: Antarctic subglacial hydrology
Dr. Matthew Siegfried Ttile: Piecing together a "Long Data" perspective to examine Antarctic ice-sheet variability
Alice Kelley, Lost to the Sea: Shell Middens
Andrew Reeve, There is Gas in the Peat!
Sean Smith, Downeast Drainage
Kirk Maasch, Title: UCAR/NCAR 101
Sean Birkel, Maine's Climate
Jacquelynn Miller, Ground Penetrating Radar and Archaeological Site Delineation: Quantifying Rapidly Eroding Shell Middens Along the Coast of Maine and Bora Song, 3D Numerical Analysis of Fault Partitioning in an Obliquely-Convergent Plate Boundary: the Alpine Fault, New Zealand.
Jesse Walters, Subduction: The Missing Link in the Sulfur Cycle and Cassandre Stirpe, The Benthic Mg/Ca Temperature Proxy: A Uvigerina Core-Top Calibration and Deglacial Record from the Southwest Pacific
Mariah Radue, Glacial History of the Tsagaan Gol- Potanin Glacier Valley and Aaron Chesler, Bioavailable Fe from the SPICE Core: Research Updates
Lynn Kaluzienski, Kinematics and Dynamics of the McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica. and Nick Whiteman, Building Resiliency Along the Maine Coast: Mapping & Modeling Bluff Erosion in Casco Bay
Erik Anderson, Minimum Finite Shear Strain Estimates and Implications for Strain Localization at the Base of the Seismogenic Zone: A Case Study from the Sandhill Corner Shear Zone, ME, USA and Steven Spreitzer, In Situ Dating of Multiple Events in Granulite-Facies Rocks of the Larsemann Hills, Prydz Bay, East Antarctica using Electron Microprobe Analysis of […]
Whitley Gilbert, Improved Estimates of Tributary Nitrogen Loads to Casco Bay, Maine and Jillian Pelro, Amundsen Glacier: Adding to the Chronology of Antarctic Ice Sheet Retreat During the Termination
Andrew Newcomb, The Future of Dams: Modeling the Penobscot Watershed to Measure the Effects of Dams and Climate Change on Hydrology Nick Richmond, Recipe for Failure: A Three-Dimensional Approach ro Bedrock Channel Morphology
Kimberley Miner, Into the Wilderness- Looking for Risk in the most Pristine Places Efren Gomez, Towards Making a Groundwater Flow Model for La Guajira, Colombia
Kaci Fitzgibbon, Evaluation Potential for Water Quality Decline in Maine Lakes Julia Simonson, Reconstruction and Analysis of the Most Damaging Storms in Maine over the Last 20 Years
Brett Gerard Headwater Drainage Network Characteristics in Central and Coastal Maine
Stephanie Mills, Title: Putting Ice in Your Computer Steven Bernsen, Title: Geophysical Sensing of Englacial Fabric
On the Mineralogy of the Anthropocene "Epoch"
How We Found the Oldest Ice on Earth
Sean Smith, "Something Moved!?" and Alicia Cruz-Uribe "Things That Go Squish"
"Volcanic Eruptions, the Westerlies, and North Atlantic Sea-Surface Temperature Variability"
Dates, Rates and Timescales: New Approaches to Reconstructing Ancient Orogenic Processes
"The Long Arm of the Tropics"
On the Mineralogy of the Anthropocene "Epoch"
A Research and Decision Support Framework to Evaluate Coastal Landscape Change
The Thawing Arctis: U.S. Beaufort Subsea Permafrost/Gas Hydrates(?)
"What to do about fossil fuel CO2"
"Climate and Conflict"