Ed Grew joins Editorial Board of the European Journal of Mineralogy

The European Journal of Mineralogy (EJM) founded in 1989 is one of the world’s leading international journals in the mineralogical sciences. It is owned by the national mineralogical societies of Germany, Spain, France and Italy and is published under the auspices of the European Mineralogical Union. Papers appearing in the Journal range across all aspects of mineralogy from nomenclature and crystal structure to petrology, geochronology, geochemistry and environmental mineralogy.

Ed Grew of the University of Maine was a guest editor in 2007-2008 and has co-authored 7 papers published in the journal. Ed is honored to have been appointed to the Editorial Board of the journal effective May 1, 2014. The Editorial Board currently comprises a Managing Editor, 5 Chief Editors and 21 Associate Editors from 8 countries of which only two are from the U.S.