
Executive Summary
Engagement, Innovation, and Impact
Strategic Plans and Progress
Assurance of Learning and Curriculum Management
Enrollment, Retention, and Progress to and After the Degree
Internships, Careers, and Progress to Placement
Student Organizations and Learner-Faculty-Learner Interactions
Thought Leadership – Impact of Scholarship
Thought Leadership – Engagement and Societal Impact
In Memoriam
Summary and Conclusions
Tables and Characteristics

Maine Business School Sign

Executive Summary

The Annual Report for the Maine Business School (MBS) and its Graduate School of Business (GSB) for 2021–22 offers evidence of how we provided enriched experiences for our learners and continued our activities to foster inclusion, belonging, and impact on society. This report highlights initiatives of the MBS and the GSB that align with our vision, mission, and AACSB-accreditation reporting expectations.

Engagement, innovation, and impact are hallmarks of an AACSB-accredited business program and this past year provided many opportunities to enhance outcomes in these areas. We focused on marketing efforts, invested time in mentoring, infused analytics further into the curriculum, and connected with our communities. Diversity, equity, and inclusion events included faculty, staff, students, and employees from firms across Maine. Members of the Advisory Board leaned in to assist in completing a risk-assessment plan, offered insights to VisionPoint Marketing, met with faculty and students, and funded special initiatives.

Innovative steps included developing and implementing a new BSBA degree (Sport Management) and MBA concentrations (engineering management, geospatial technologies, public and nonprofit management, and outdoor industry management). We worked with a member of the Advisory Board to design an approach to pilot test internships in businesses similar to clinical rotations in medicine. Faculty continued to use real projects to guide learners in applying their skills and continued to infuse analytics in programs. A total of 788 MBS and GSB learners achieved Excel certifications. More than 300 MBA students worked with dyplr, Python, and R. We also received unit accreditation from AACSB and had the MBA designated a STEM degree.

In scholarship, faculty members published 11 books and 42 peer-reviewed journal articles in addition to conference proceedings, book chapters, and presentations in 2021-2022. Three of those journal articles were categorized at the A+ level, the highest level of impact in their respective disciplines. The William Procter Scientific Fund donation and work with the Darling Marine Center show the impact on society that speaks to the vision of serving as a catalyst for positive changes in our approaches, processes, and communities (our vision statement).

The purpose of this annual report is to offer evidence of our progress. We provide a business education that is robust in perspective, rigorous in practice, and relevant to the needs of our ever-changing world. Change and transitions are inevitable. The MBS and its GSB embody a culture where faculty and staff work with our learners and communities to continuously improve our efforts over time. We are UMaine and enjoy providing excellent experiences for our learners, faculty, staff, and communities. Please contact us if you would like to know more about business programs at Maine’s premier business school.
Go Big! Go Blue! Go Business!

Engagement, Innovation, and Impact

Engagement, innovation, and impact are core expectations for AACSB-accredited business programs. Thus, each formal accreditation report begins with a summary of how these concepts have been implemented. For this past year, even with COVID-19 still influencing the world as we know it, the MBS and GSB engaged with learners and communities, continued working with innovations that make a difference, and began to assess the impact of our efforts.


  • Telling the Story Well: We worked with the University of Maine System (UMS) provider, VisionPoint Marketing, to fine-tune our messaging through focus groups with faculty, staff, students, alumni, and members of the Advisory Board. This resulted in the following statement: “At the Maine Business School and Graduate School of Business, we believe in an education that is robust in perspective, rigorous in practice, and relevant to the needs of our ever-changing business world. Our undergraduate, graduate, and professional learners join us to master the core business principles and explore the unique courses and concentrations that will shape them into passionate strategic thinkers able to adapt to any field as the business world evolves around them. Available in Orono, Portland, and online, our comprehensive education is made exceptional by the applied experience, great professors, and incredible value many have come to expect from Maine’s flagship university.” (03/2022)
  • Adventures/Enriched Learning: We launched a lunch and learn series, Explore Careers Casually, which attracted 107 students. Additionally, we engaged students in sessions about networking and provided professional headshots and customized networking cards for more than 110 students. The creation of the Career Ready Games event was new this year and attracted students across campus. The event was sponsored by Enterprise. These are just a few examples of the MBS focus on enriched learning experiences to assist our learners with career steps. Our new Living Learning Community began in 2021 with 76 first-year students and will host 76 more first-year students in the fall of 2022. We offered two Research Learning Experiences (RLEs_ in the fall of 2021: one focusing on the outdoors with Maine Bound and the other focusing on marketing research. We will offer two RLEs to our first-year students in the fall of 2022 with a course about the outdoor recreation economy, which includes an off-site introduction to some of Maine’s outdoor rec opportunities, and a course on blockchain that features research into the phenomena and student creation of a discrete blockchain. The tradition of
    academic adventures grows and continues to infuse the MBS with opportunities to interact and learn from the first year to the acceptance of a career position and then to lifelong learning opportunities.
  • Faculty and Learners: Examples of faculty-to-learner interactions include many best practices. Faculty attend and participate in Open Houses and Accepted Student events to meet prospective students early in the process. Career events and discussions with students and executives, such as Accounting Firm Night and Career Ready Games, enhance the sense of belonging by repeating interactions and visibility. Honors and Awards ceremonies with students and families offer a culmination of interactions over time. Faculty
    schedule meetings for teams of learners for project discussions. On average, our faculty has 20 students assigned to them for advice on career options. Faculty advise students for “Top Scholar” activities, Honors thesis work, conference publications, and dissertations. Faculty and staff participate with the GSB-incorporated synchronous activities for the MaineMBA, including the inaugural MaineMBA Awards (January 2022), monthly Dean’s Huddle webinars, and some synchronous content or meetings in MBA courses. The MBS and its GSB provide a rich environment where faculty meet students where they are and connect with them.
  • Analytics/Technological Agility: The MBS hosted the first Certiport Certification Center in the state of Maine in 2019, created a 1-credit course for Excel by 2020, and benefits from the 76% average pass rate on the certification exam by 2021. A donor allowed us to offer the course to MBA students and BSBA learners seeking advanced certification. Our focus on infusing relevant software into the curriculum has led to several innovations in the curriculum, including trails to build effective virtual collaboration and presentation skills, Grammarly to enhance writing effectiveness, Kahoots to engage students in reviewing course material, and SAP certificates for SAP content in three courses, to name a few. For the BSBA, Business Analytics (BIS 345) now includes assignments in Python for data analysis with regression, multiple regression, and cluster analysis. Courses in accounting require Excel, and faculty continue to infuse analytics throughout the curriculum. Marketing Research (MKT 378) includes assignments in R and certifications in R and Python for data analysis with regression, multiple regression, and ANOVAs. The course also requires Excel for assignments, including data visualization and pivot tables, as well as running simple and multiple regressions in Excel. For the MBA, Foundations of Business Intelligence and Analytics (BUA 680) encourages certifications in Python, R, and dplyr, with more than 300 MBA students completing this work.
  • Community: In partnership with BerryDunn, MMG Insurance, Unum, and MEMIC, the MBS provided an Inspired Innovator session on well-being with implications across Maine for students and employees in organizations. Two faculty members received a $292,000 federal earmark to train students and work with small-scale agricultural producers in Maine to develop and enhance value-added production. Over 30% of students completed a project for community organizations and firms in 2020-2021, and the MBS and GSB continued that tradition this past year. Faculty members served on boards in the community, engaged student organizations in work for nonprofits, and supervised the completion of projects that make a difference in Maine and beyond. A community of employees from large employers in Maine also joined faculty, staff, and students to view and discuss the film Trace the Line about race relations.


  • MBA/Concentrations: MBA students can choose from 12 different concentrations, with some provided by the GSB (e.g., accounting, business analytics, finance, and outdoor industry management), others provided by other universities in the University of Maine system (e.g., sustainability, healthcare systems, or public and nonprofit management from the Muskie School of Public Policy at USM), or provided by other departments at UMaine (e.g., global affairs from SPIA in CLAS; geospatial technologies, food technology industry management, and human nutrition from NSFA; engineering management from Engineering).
  • MBA Courses and Terms: MBA courses are now offered in eight-week terms, mainly asynchronously online, and faculty continue to innovate with this format and timing. Some courses continue to be offered in person to meet the needs of specific student groups such as international learners and veterans.
  • Planning The MaineMBA Academy: The MaineMBA Academy will partner the capstone course with executives to challenge students to apply the program to relevant issues. Made possible by a donation from Mark and Evan Skinner, the MaineMBA Academy is set to run from March to May, 2023.
  • BSBA online management degree: Approved in 2020, the BSBA online degree in management has 30 students who are enrolled fully in the online program. For working professionals, it is a path to degree completion. U.S. News & World Report ranked this program for the first time in 2021 at #40 in the nation.
  • BSBA Sport Management degree: Led by Susan Myrden, Associate Professor of Marketing; Muralee Das, Assistant Professor of Management; Faye Gilbert, Dean; Jason Harkins, Associate Dean; and Provost John Volin, the BSBA degree was approved in 2021. The BSBA in Sport Management has 60 declared majors for FY ’23, 17 of which are double majors within the MBS. The degree is a partnership with UMaine’s Division I Athletics program, which recently received a $90 million Alfond gift over the next 10 years for facilities and diversity initiatives.
  • Clinical Business Internships: Led by Taylor Ashley, MBS Internship Coordinator; Buffie McCue-Quinn, Lecturer in Management and Marketing; and Jason Harkins, Associate Dean, in partnership with Northern Light Health (influenced by a member of the Advisory Board), MBS students will pilot test treating business internships like clinical placements in the field of medicine. MBS is offering a course and rotating the areas of work so that students experience different aspects of the business of healthcare.
  • Webinars and Workshops: The MBS and GSB held webinars and workshops that combined learners with employees throughout Maine. From films fostering discussion of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging to informal discussions, the connections between industry partners and learners is an innovative step with promise. Bangor Savings Bank, Edward Jones, Cross Insurance, Cintas, Vigilant Capital, and Charles Schwab provided luncheon sessions to help our BSBA learners envision what different positions would involve in a career.

Gauging Impact

The impact we have on society is a difficult concept to assess, and we are in the early stages of focusing our efforts and measuring the results. As we progress in capturing our efforts to engage, innovate, and enhance our impact on communities, we also refine our message and clarify our distinctive programs and opportunities for learners. As examples of outcomes from 2021–22, consider:

  1. At least 30% of MBS learners (BSBA) completed a project in 2020-2021, with a similar outcome expected for 2021-2022. (relevance)
  2. On average, 76% of students in BIS 105 pass the Excel Certification Exam on the first attempt. (analytics and rigor)
  3. Approximately 25 MBA students each year complete an internship with a local organization. (community)
  4. About 10% of MBS learners (BSBA) take classes online full-time. (access, robust)
  5. A $50,000 grant from the William Procter Scientific Fund fostered interdisciplinary work between the MBS, GSB, and the Darling Marine Center, funding an externship for Angie Zheng, Associate Professor of Business Analytics, three internships, and work for graduate assistants.
  6. 36% of BSBA learners and 44% of MBA learners are active users of Grammarly, the software most often used in corporate America to enhance writing effectiveness. (relevance, community)
  7. 94% of MBS students are admitted to graduate school or employed by commencement (as of 2019 data provided by UMaine). (quality)
  8. The online Management BSBA degree was ranked #40 by U.S. News & World Report in 2022, the first year of eligibility for this ranking. (quality)
  9. In 2022, the MBA degree was ranked #46 By CEO Magazine, #35 by Fortune Magazine, and #84 by U.S. News & World Report for 2022. (quality)
  10. Over 250 employees of companies in Maine and learners at UMaine responded to a survey on well- being in 2022 and 100+ attended each workshop on topics to empower women (2021) or recognize implicit bias and harassment. (community)
  • Impact of Partnerships:

    Walgreens partnership with one webinar session for all staff, one interactive professional development seminar offered to a select group of Walgreens associates by Dean Norm O’Reilly, and plans for faculty to provide other topics in the future.

    Becker partnership, led by Henri Akono, Associate Professor of Accounting, to offer review sessions for students as well as certification in data analytics for students and external professionals.

    UMaine Graduate and Professional Center (Maine Law, Muskie, GSB) partnership with programming and a team-taught course adding business aspects (Startups and Entrepreneurship Law and Acquisition Transactions) to the Law School, concentrations in the MBA provided by the Muskie School of Public Policy, and grants awarded for interdisciplinary scholarship through the Center.

    $292,000 earmark for the BARD Institute (Erin Carter, Assistant Professor of Marketing, and Stephanie Welcomer, Professor of Management) with the goal to bridge the gap between business, agriculture, and ecology in Maine. This project also represents continuing development of work from an internal MBS grant provided to these researchers in 2019-2020 to involve students with consulting work. Their impact grows with each supported step.

  • Impact of Statewide Leadership Efforts:
    The Inspired Innovators webinar focusing on well-being began as a partnership between the MBS, led by Jason Harkins, Associate Dean, and BerryDunn, MMG Insurance, MEMIC, and Unum. This work continues with a comparison of ideas of how to enhance well-being obtained from views submitted by UMaine students and employees from these organizations. The Inspired Innovators event connected organizations with UMaine to emphasize the importance of well-being in the current context of the talent pipeline of learners and employees in large firms. Results of the survey suggest value in focusing on financial and mental well-being for both groups.

    Outdoor Recreation Economy (ORE) efforts include a new micro-credential, two major grant submissions, and efforts led by Dean Norm O’Reilly that includes 34 researchers from across the University of Maine System, including representation from all eight campuses.

  • Impact of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Efforts:
    The Maine Business School’s Commitment to Diversity: The Maine Business School and the Graduate School of Business believe that supporting, respecting, and appreciating diverse perspectives and experiences strengthens our community, challenges our assumptions, and yields better decision-making in business and in life. We are committed to ensuring that all members of the MBS community feel welcomed, heard, and engaged. (adopted by the MBS faculty fall 2020; GSB faculty fall 2021)

    Trace the Line, produced by Alejandro Miranda Cruz and Noel Miranda, is a movie that depicts two artists, one black and one white, and their experiences during 2020. This film was shown to students and employees of the members of the Executive Round Table with a discussion with producers. While the discussion offered no answers, the event provided hope for the future for healing.

    Billy Obenauer, Assistant Professor of Management, took the lead in improving our use of the membership with the Ph.D. Project to forge relationships with candidates at earlier stages of their programs. He traveled a day early for the Academy of Management conference to participate in Ph.D. Project events. Learners in his Principles of Management class also influenced the authors of their textbook to improve the use of inclusive language and examples in the text. The students interacted with the publisher and author to provide suggestions for DEI examples in every chapter of the text resulting in some immediate changes and a commitment for still more in the future.

    David Patrick, an MBS alum, from The Racial Justice and Equity firm in Bangor, Maine, provided a workshop for faculty and staff (April 2022) that covered implicit bias and other topics to foster interactions that enhance belonging and inclusion.

    Erin Percival Carter, Assistant Professor of Marketing, served as Chair of the Survey Development and Methodology sub-committee for the town of Orono, ME DEI Committee. (2021)

    The DEI task force with Matt Graham, Associate Professor of Business Information Systems, as chair, created a new DEI webpage on the MBS site (2021 and 2022) and coordinated efforts for the Trace the Line event and engagement ideas.

    Melanie Brooks, marketing and communications manager, took the lead to pitch the DEI journey by the MBS to AACSB and ended with a feature story on the AACSB website. Check out the story at diversity-along-many-dimensions.

Marketing Impact:

With strategic thinking, perseverance, and creativity, Melanie Brooks, marketing and communications manager, led the charge for improvements in marketing, social media, and Google ads this past year.

Our work with VisionPoint Marketing resulted in a positioning statement for the MBS and GSB. Through listening sessions with our Advisory Board, current students, and alumni, we identified key messaging points:

  • Value and Flagship
  • Core Principles + Relevant + Ever-Changing Business World
  • Applied Experience + Faculty Excellence

We created short and long messages for different audiences using these messaging points. OUr identified audiences include: 

  • Undergraduate Prospective Students
  • Graduate Prospective Students
  • Umbrella (prospective students, alumni, donors, etc. for both programs)

VisionPoint worked with us to create MBS and GSB guidelines for “Business Principles” campaign. VisionPoint created headlines, scripts for video/radio spots, and visuals for digital/print ads.

Google Analytics and Social Media Statistics for Year over Year:

Google Analytics    
Pageviews 262,559 +50%
Average time on page 1:51 +16%
LinkedIn 347 Followers started with 0 1,020 page views 532 unique visitors (+3225%) MaineMBA group has 728 members; BSBA group has 1,763 members
Facebook 969 Followers +30% 2,175 page/profile visits (+18.5%)    
Instagram 903 Followers +39% 5,446 profile visited (+233%)    

Strategic Plans and Progress

Dorm Room Photo for Annual Report

(AACSB Standards 1, 2, and 3)

The MBS vision and mission have long emphasized student learning, faculty scholar page viewership, and service to the community. These themes align with the University of Maine’s Strategic Vision and Values (SVV), adopted in 2018. The separate book on Strategic Focus and Plans provides insights into finances, goals, objectives, and tactics.

Our values drive us to CARE: Connect Adapt Respect Engage

  • Connect through collaborations and teamwork.
  • Adapt through innovative steps for our curriculum and outreach.
  • Respect people as we expect professional interactions and integrity in ourselves and others.
  • Engage with current thought leadership about business practices and data-driven decisions.

We CARE about our students, colleagues, communities, and the world beyond.

Our vision emphasizes change
We are catalysts for sustainable change in our approaches, processes, and communities.

Our mission is about engagement
Our mission is to engage students and professionals in academic adventures focused on evolving business practices and to advance knowledge through scholarship as we connect with our communities. (Adopted by the faculty December 6, 2019)

Our strategic initiatives, 2020–25:

  1. Enrich Learning Experiences
  2. Connect with our Communities
  3. Adapt Approaches to Foster Excellence
  4. Invest in our Sustainable Progress

Strategic Planning Summary:
Progress with Strategic Initiatives 2021-22

For 2021-2022, the MBS continued to enrich learning with applied projects, a research learning experience for first-year students, a living learning community, and analytical experiences in many courses in the curriculum. We connected with our communities through those student projects and the efforts of Jason Harkins, Associate Dean. He collaborated with leaders throughout the state to invite employees to attend DEI functions and the well-being webinar with student learners. We adapted our approaches to offer a new degree in Sport Management as we slowly enhanced the online BSBA degree in management and increased the options for concentrations in the MBA program. We also invested in our sustainable progress by partnering with VisionPoint Marketing on messaging and contracting with UMaine Facilities to add offices to the Advising Center and convert two rooms into a larger classroom.

AACSB is a mission-driven accreditation concept where it is up to the MBS and GSB to define the path and provide evidence
of progress on that path.

Assurance of Learning (AoL) and Curriculum Management

Classroom Photo for Annual Report

(Standards 4,5,6,7)

Faculty and staff worked in 2021-2022 to collect data, provide summary tables of results, and enhance aspects of the curriculum to improve learning continuously. In addition to assessments, faculty in the MBS also completed a curriculum map pairing the seven assurance of learning outcomes (ALOs) with the courses in the core curriculum of the BSBA degree to discuss and explore where each ALO is introduced, built, and mastered over the core required courses. This exercise provided a great view of the curriculum. It ensured that the ALOs occurred within courses across the BSBA curriculum and that the management of curriculum is in the hands of faculty and emphasized as important. Artifacts of the assessment process are documented in a book for the MBS and one for the GSB. For the annual report, a few highlights emphasize the importance of tracking progress on a few learning outcomes fundamental to learning core skills in the business disciplines, as defined by the faculty.

BSBA AoL Highlights

The BSBA AoL Committee shepherded the AoL process for 2021-2022 and kept things on track and progressing. The committee brought items to each meeting for the faculty to consider and review. This section simply provides a few highlights of the process. Complete details are in the AoL book for 2021-2022 with tables, faculty responses, and suggested curriculum changes. These efforts result in a maturing AoL process that supports growth through reflection and closing-the-loop activities.

Assurance of Learning Outcome 1: Knowledge

  • ALO 1a. Knowledge: Our students will graduate knowing core concepts in the major business disciplines.
  • Assessment: ETS, exam administered every other year
  • Target Achievement: Students will score at or above the ETS-average on all subject areas
  • Results: Spring 2022, comparison of online and in-person courses
ETS: % correct by topic area for in-person and online sections spring 2022 UMaine in person, % correct UMaineOnline, % correct ETS National, % correct
Accounting 40.6 36.6 43.6
Economics 52.4 47.1 52.6
Finance 42.3 38.9 43.1
Legal & Social Environment 51.1 47.7 52
Management 56.3 54.1 58.5
Marketing 52.5 52.8 54.5
Quantitative Business Analysis 38.6 26.4 36.8
Grand Average 47.7 44 48.6

There were 116 learners who completed the ETS exam for spring 2022, a marked increase in the number of seniors taking the exam from the 35 who participated in the prior administration (2020). As shown, BSBA students did not reach ETS national levels in several areas but were very close to that ‘national’ or ETS average. Further, the difference between in-person and online sections of the capstone course is small enough to be reassuring for the quality of outcomes in the core business disciplines.

Assurance of Learning Outcome 1C: Knowledge, Financial Statement Analysis
With ETS results from 2020, we explored the most missed items on the ETS and selected financial statement analysis to augment the previous work done in 2020 and 2021 to assess students’ understanding of time value of money (ALO 1b).

A pilot test was conducted to assess financial statements that included two versions: one with formulas and one with no formulas.

  • ALO 1c. Knowledge, Financial Statement Analysis: Students will be able to analyze aspects of financial statements
  • Assessment: Mini-Problem(s) Pilot Test, Spring 2022
  • Target Achievement: At least 70% of students will correctly solve financial analysis problems
  • Results: The scoring was based on 10 points for each case (Income Statement, Balance Sheet)
  Average, All Questions Average, Balance Sheet Questions Average, Income Statement Questions n
First-Second Year 11.66 6.34 5.31 32
NO Formulas   5.08 3.15 13
WITH Formulas   7.21 6.79 19
Third-Fourth Year 14.49 7.61 6.88 57
NO Formulas   6.29 4.61 28
WITH Formulas   8.89 9.07 29
  Average, All Questions Average, Balance Sheet Questions Average, Income Statement Question n
MBAs 19.46 5.54 9.92 13
NO Formulas   10 9 1
WITH Formulas   9.73 10 12
Grand Total, Average 14.24 7.46 6.78 102

Scoring Note: Each case had 4 questions, A, B, C, and D. Question A was a simple, straightforward question and was 1 point (either correct or incorrect). Question B & C needed a simple calculation (i.e., calculate earnings per share). Question D was an interpretation question. Questions B, C, and D were scored as follows: 0 – blank, or no answer; 1 – if some attempt was made; 2 – if the answer was close, but not quite right; 3 – correct answer. So the scores reported were averages of the raw scores, with a total possible points of 20 across both cases.

While there are some differences in scores based on providing formulas or not, it’s an impressive first showing for the pilot test of assessing learner understanding. Further, third- and fourth-year learners show improvement over first-second year learners, thus demonstrating learning through the curriculum. Faculty members will review the results and decide how to strengthen learners’ financial-statement analysis skills going forward. This entire process of developing the mini-case, pilot testing results, and discussing outcomes increases awareness of this critical skill for the learners who participate in the Assurance of Learning exercise and for the faculty who create, implement, and review results.

Assurance of Learning Outcome 2B: Written Communication
The key change in the curriculum for writing in 2020-2021 was encouraging all students to use Grammarly. This AI-cloud- based writing assistant has been a way to enhance the attention on writing for improvement. While prior AoL measures show writing as acceptable, faculty members wanted to further enhance learner skills. The MBS adopted Grammarly in 2020 and provided it to all BSBA and MBA students.

  • ALO 2b. Written Communication: Our graduates will be effective communicators (i.e., will demonstrate effective written communication skills).
  • Assessment: Written research papers or cases graded by several faculty with a rubric
  • Target Achievement: At least 60% of students will perform at a satisfactory level or above on each element of the rubric
    for effective writing
Grammarly Usage
(Closing the loop on writing)
Total Students
% of Students who are active users of Grammarly (2020-21)   Total Students
% of Students who are active users of Grammarly (2021-22)
MBS/BSBA Students 1,218 29.9%   1,614 33.6%
GSB/MBA Students 349 44.4%   390 40.7%

The MBS and GSB faculty will continue to encourage students to use Grammarly for papers, e-mails, and other writing assignments and work. Writing skills will then be re-assessed.

Assurance of Learning Outcome 5B: Global Perspectives – Intercultural Sensitivity

  • ALO 5b. Global Perspective – Intercultural Sensitivity: Our learners will develop intercultural sensitivity as a capacity to recognize the worth of other cultures and as a means of understanding the world.
  • Measure: 24-item scale for intercultural sensitivity scale (Chen and Starosta 2000)
  • Target Achievement: An average score of at least 4 on a 1–5 survey measure
Intercultural Sensitivity, Pilot Test Interaction Engagement Respect Cultural Differences Interaction Confidence Enjoyment of Interaction Interaction Attentiveness n
Overall Average 4.1 4.4 3.7 4.3 3.8 134
In-person Class 4 4.4 3.7 4.3 3.8 52
Online Class 4.1 4.4 3.7 4.3 3.8 61
Hybrid Class 4.2 4.5 3.8 4.2 4 21
MBA Students 4.4 4.6 4.1 4.6 3.99 9

The measure used a scale developed by Chen and Starosta (2000) where people respond to 20 items on a 5-point scale with some items reverse scored. The higher the score, the more positive or stronger the outcome for the respondent.

Of the five constructs on the intercultural sensitivity scale (Chen and Starosta 2000), only two resulted in average scores below the pre-set goal of four. Faculty then will look at steps that could be taken in the curriculum to strengthen interaction confidence and interaction attentiveness. Intercultural sensitivity is a concept of preparing learners for intercultural interactions. It is of great interest to employers who must manage diverse teams who interact with a diverse customer base; thus, it is an important concept for the UMaine faculty to continue to explore.

Assurance of Learning Outcome 6B: Technological Agility, Excel

  • ALO 6b. Excel. Our students will be able to use Excel at a professional level and 60% or more will pass the Excel Certification Exam.
  • Assessment: Direct, GMetrix Exams and Excel Certification(s)
  • Target Achievement: At least 60% of students will pass each aspect of the Rubric for GMetrix exams and at least 60% of students will pass the Excel certification exam.

BSBA Excel Certification Exam Passing Rates, By Session

Session Pre-Test % Passing Certification Exam, % Passing Number Taking the Exam
Spring 2020, Pilot* 0% 62% 52
Fall 2020, 1st Session 4% 72% 85
Fall 2020, 2nd Session 1% 61% 75
Winter Term, 2021 35 84% 37
Spring 2021, 1st Session 4% 86% 89
Spring 2021, 2nd Session 5% 82% 66
May Term, 2021 6% 74% 46
Fall 22, 1st Session 1% 709% 136
Fall 22, 2nd Session 0% 68% 40
Approx. Average
pass rates 2021-22
3% 76% 778

*Due to COVID-19 students were not able to take the Microsoft Certification exam, and instead took an alternate final exam simulating the certification exam.

The journey to Excel certification began in 2019 and has now reached 778 students who showcase their skills as they note the certification on their resumes and seek career positions. With the focus on analytics throughout the curriculum, faculty members have added SAP certificates, with three more students achieving that honor this past year.

MBA AoL Highlights

The MBA program assessed several AoL learning outcomes in 2020-2021: Knowledge (ETS exam), Writing (research paper), Technological Agility (Excel voluntary pilot test), Global (indirect measure of perceptions), and Teamwork (CATME). As a few highlights to review:

ALO 2. Knowledge, Financial Statement Analysis: MBA students participated in the pilot test for the financial statement analysis in spring 2022. MBA learners scored above their BSBA counterparts in all aspects of financial statement analysis. On average, MBA students scored 19.46 out of 20 possible points on the overall financial statement analysis pilot test, whereas third-fourth year BSBA students scored 14.49. If repeated with more significant numbers of MBA students, it would reinforce the worth of the foundation courses creating a level playing field of knowledge in the program.

ALO 4. Global, Intercultural Sensitivity: MBA students participated in the intercultural sensitivity pilot test in spring 2022. Although only 8 completed the survey, they scored at or above the target achievement level. The scale by Chen and Starosta (2020) measures five aspects of intercultural sensitivity to assess readiness to engage in intercultural interactions. It is reassuring that these MBA learners met the stated target achievement levels across all aspects (if you round 3.95 to 4), suggesting faculty members may need to revise the assessment of global issues for MBA learners.

Intercultural Sensitivity
Pilot Test
Interaction Engagement Respect Cultural Differences Interaction Confidence Enjoyment of Interaction Interaction Attentiveness n
MBA Students 4.4 4.6 4.1 4.6 3.95 8

In addition to the checks for MBA learning for intercultural sensitivity and financial statement analysis, there are additional highlights of AoL for the MBA program summarized in the book of artifacts for 2021-2022.

Enrollment, Retention, and Progress to and After the Degree

Atrium for Annual report

(See Appendix for tables of enrollment trends, career-survey outcomes, and indirect measures)

Our advising staff, led by Cynthia D’Angelo, includes talented professionals who meet students in person, on Zoom, by e-mail, or by phone and develop guidelines to assist students in finding their way through the academic journey to degree completion. Cindy works with advisors Joanne “Jody” Loper, Jennifer Scott, and Meghan Gardner (GSB) to keep students on track.

Enrollment in the MBS and the GSB has steadily increased over time, with dramatic increases in the MBA program.

The steady increase in enrollment in the BSBA degree programs emphasizes interest in finance, marketing, and management. The new BSBA in sport management has 37 first-year students declaring it as their major for FY ’23.

Degree completion increased year over year to reflect the increases in enrollment. The MBA, in particular, showed an increase in degrees granted in 2022 after the dramatic rise in enrollment in 2020 and 2021.

Degrees Conferred for Annual Report

Internships, Careers, and Progress to Placements

Career Ready Games for Annual Report

With efforts by Taylor Ashley, Internship Coordinator, services and ideas took on a different approach in 2021-2022.

Explore Careers Casually paired MBS learners with employers in several industries to enhance awareness and understanding of career options. Cross Insurance, Bangor Savings Bank, Cintas, Charles Schwab, and Vigilant Capital all worked with students over lunch to discuss what life is like in different aspects of these industries and firms.

Career Ready Games offered a series of career-related challenges administered through Brightspace in partnership with the UMaine Career Center. The games attracted over 100 students from across the university in 15 teams. While all participants received a Career Essential Kit, the top three teams were able to designate a local charity to receive funds donated for the purpose, with SPIFFY and Beta Gamma Sigma taking top place in the games.

Last year a Student Engagement Survey was conducted to gain insight into MBS and MBA students’ involvement in internships, work, and volunteering with 322 students responding to the survey, 191 BSBA and 121 MBA students. The data suggests that:

  • 13% of MBS and 8% of MBA students participated in an internship within the last year
  • 84% of MBS students had worked within the last year
  • 66.5% of students reported working during the time of taking the survey
  • 93% of MBA respondents reported that they worked
  • 78.8% of MBA respondents stated they were currently working full-time
  • 52% of MBS and 40% of MBA students engaged in volunteer work

Success in Internships, a 1-credit pilot course introduced students to internships and the steps they can take to secure them and gain professional experience while pursuing their business degrees. Three employers facilitated topics about professional communication in the workplace.

Professional development workshops attracted over 168 learners to gather and explore aspects of career searches and the world of work. Topics included networking, resumes, and a resume session for our international learners.

The internship website serves as a comprehensive resource for learners and visitors. Taylor Ashley’s student-led team of Angelina Buzzelli (MBS) and Nick Poulin (BSBA) produced five original educational videos to present best practices for seeking and securing internships.

Life After UMaine data from the sample of graduates from 2020 shows 84% of business graduates were employed full-time by commencement, just below engineering graduates at 88%. Of those graduates, 54% found employment in Maine, and 46% found employment outside of Maine, at a median starting salary of about $55,000 per year. About 10% of those who responded to the Life After UMaine survey were attending graduate school with about 7% full-time and 3% part-time learners.

Student Organizations and Learner-Faculty-Learner Interactions

Student Awards for Annual Report

MBS American Marketing Association (AMA)
(Rusty Stough, advisor): Throughout the year, AMA met weekly and worked with various organizations and clubs within and outside of the University of Maine on a variety of activities. They helped with fundraising activities for a few different clubs on campus, including running two different raffles. They also worked with Inclusive Ski Touring of Maine to develop a marketing plan and apply for state and federal grants. They partnered with the Penobscot Theatre Company to create an online marketing plan for two theater productions: Hockey Mom and Becoming Dr. Ruth. Finally, the club worked on its own branding and marketing efforts to recruit and attract new members with membership increasing by 80% from the pre-pandemic levels of attendance.

Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)
(Dave Barrett, advisor): IMA is part of the Association of Accountants and Financial Professionals in Business. The UMaine IMA chapter met regularly and invited professionals to attend those weekly meetings. A goal is to reinforce the principles of IMA, including honesty, fairness, objectivity, and responsibility.

MBS Ambassadors
(Melanie Brooks, advisor): MBS Ambassadors hosted students and families for accepted student days, orientations, and tours. They met with the dean and associate dean to provide feedback and insights from the students’ point of view as they served as professional ambassadors for visitors. Ambassadors assisted with professional development videos for Taylor Ashley and
helped create flyers for our Living Learning Community. Many also participated in a listening session with VisionPoint Marketing to help create our positioning statement and took part in our StrengthsFinders webinar with MBS Advisory Board member Kathleen Murphy.

MBS Corps
(Nory Jones, advisor): The MBS Corps is a philanthropic student organization. They completed several fundraising campaigns this year resulting in a holiday drive for The Salvation Army ($2,250 in funds and gifts) and Hopes and Heroes benefiting the Maine Veterans Project ($2,500). The MBS Corps has a new Advisory/Alumni Board of Directors with CJ Bowen (class of 2020), management/ marketing double major; Gabby Chartier (class of 2020), management/marketing double major; Luke Guibord (class of 2020), mechanical engineering/military science major and leadership minor; and Kaleigh Haroldsen (class of 2019), marketing/psychology double major.

Student-Managed Investment Group (SPIFFY)
(Sebastian Lobe, Advisor): SPIFFY has built its portfolio to over $4 million with gratitude to the teams of students and faculty over time who have worked on these investments. SPIFFY also met with external visitors from the MBS Advisory Board and alumni of SPIFFY to prepare their spring presentation for Quinnipiac. SPIFFY members enjoyed a mid-June webinar, “In Search of a Steady State: Inflation, Interest Rates, and Value, The (Inflation) Genie Escapes the Bottle!” Aswath Damodaran from the New York University Stern School of Business led the webinar.

Undiscovered Maine
(Nory Jones, advisor) Students toured and experienced rural parts of Maine, including The Nordic Heritage Center in Preque Isle; Maine Back Country Adventures, Standing Seam Roofing (a business run by Amish brothers without using electricity), and Miller’s Metal Sales in Fort Fairfield; Mt. Blue State Park in Weld; MaineStone Jewelry and Ambition Brewery in Wilton; and Abraham’s Goat Farm and Creamery in Newport. This group then worked with faculty advisor Nory Jones to consult with the Maine Mountain Children’s House (MMCH) and its director, Bethany Mahar, to offer suggestions to attract families, refresh social media, upgrade software, and collaborate with the public school system. The impact? Help for a small rural school, energized marketing ideas, and reinforcement of the relevance and rigor of learning at the MBS!

Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS)
(Grant Miles, Faye Gilbert, & Jen Larlee, advisors) BGS was chosen as a “high honors” chapter by the national office. The officers of Beta Gamma Sigma selected Stefano Tijerina as the faculty inductee this year. They also honored MBS Advisory Board members Dianne Watters and Larry Blaisdell with memberships to BGS. Nick Poulin and Mikayla Reynolds led the efforts in 2021-2022, ensuring officer elections were held before the end of the spring term, celebrating Founders Week, and organizing two induction ceremonies – incredible progress for BGS and its members.

Women in the Maine Business School
(Erin Carter & Nory Jones, advisors) Women in Business, with Maggie Fahey as president, engaged with the General Student Senate at UMaine and was formally recognized as a student organization. They connected with leaders throughout the year with guest speakers such as Faye Gilbert, Executive Dean, and Bristyn Leasure, Industry Marketing Lead, Oracle NetSuite, offering insights and opportunities for discussions and engagement.


We added a Winter Recognition Ceremony in the fall 2021 to celebrate our December graduates and induct students into Beta Gamma Sigma, the international honor society for AACSB-accredited programs. Beta Gamma Sigma honored a faculty member, Stefano Tijerina, Lecturer in Management, and two business professionals, Dianne Watters from Tyler Technologies and Larry Blaisdell from Vigilant Capital, with membership in BGS this year. Students received honors from their faculty as well as academic honors for the highest grade-point average within their disciplines. Pictures and stories appear on our website.

We retain the tradition of giving each graduate a woodallion (wooden medallion with the M imprint and ribbon for wearing it at graduation), an alumni pin, cords for key achievements, and receptions to foster interactions with faculty and families.

Thought Leadership – The Impact of Scholarship

Students for Annual Report

(AACSB standard 8)

Faculty members contributed to knowledge in their disciplines as they explored a rich field of topics for business. Convertible debt, fantasy sports, internships as clinical rotations, bitcoin, social media advertising, off-exchange trading, digital platforms, demand intermittency, mindfulness in Navy Seal training, cyber-vetting, digital health experience, Maine’s economy, and food recalls are just a few of the topics of interest to this faculty. Their academic scholarship then appeared in quality outlets with the work of Yonggang “Tim” Lu, Associate Professor of Business Analytics in the European Journal of Operational Research, Nadège Levallet, Assistant Professor of Management and Information Systems in the European Journal of Information Systems, and Billy Obenauer, Assistant Professor of Management in The Leadership Quarterly classified as A* outlets — the highest quality for journal articles on the ABDC list.

Quality Indicator 2019-20 2020-21 2021-2022
Average Percent Acceptance Rate
(n=of those with an acceptance rate reported; midpoint used for ranges)
18% 23% 23%
Percent A/B journals by ABDC (of all publications) 48% 41% 30%
Average H-Index (n=/of those with H-index) 61 48 54.2
Average SJR (n-of those with an SJR)   .79  
Average Impact Factor (n=of those with an impact factor) 3.3 2.3 3.6
Number of peer-reviewed journal articles (n=) 19 17 42

Of the 42 journal publications, about 57% were listed in Cabell’s and 37% were listed in the Australian Business Deans’ Council (ABDC) list. We had three publications (Levallet, Lu, Obenauer) with A* publications for the ABDC list. About 35% of the journal publications have impact factors (citation rates) above 4 (Beaulieu, Bolton, Carter, Jurich, Levallet (2), Lu, Myrden (2), Obenauer (2), Wörsdörfer, Zheng (2)) this past year. MBS faculty were active in their scholarship and provided a quality impact on knowledge in their disciplines.

Thought Leadership – Societal Impact

(AACSB standard 9)

The societal impact of UMaine’s MBS and GSB manifests in several different ways. Work with large employers who are part of the informal roundtable led to an initiative to assess well-being for the workforce pipeline with comparisons from students to full-time employees. Applied projects included work in the capstone management course for the MBA, where learners tested their acumen with five different organizations to offer informed advice.

Pankaj Agrrawal, Professor of Finance, and Jason Harkins, Associate Dean, spent a day with Junior Achievement to discuss financial literacy. Students and employees tasted the bittersweet lessons of Trace the Line by viewing the past couple of years of race relations from the view of artists. The impact of open discussions of race relations after George Floyd and the responses to the trials of COVID-19 are ephemeral but felt with longer-term resonance.

Sustainability remains a part of research and outreach for several faculty members with publications on the topic, a federal earmark that will affect the agricultural industry in Maine next year, and consulting work completed for the Darling Marine Center based on a grant from the William Procter Scientific fund.

The MBS and GSB are still wrestling with how to gauge the impact — e.g. dollars spent on projects, number of organizations, satisfaction surveys of clients, or level of accomplishment felt by participants in delivering the service.

In Memoriam

Fall on the Stillwater River for annual Report

Cynthia Tollerson, Ph.D., Harold Alfond Assistant Professor of Accounting
Our hearts go out to Cynthia Tollerson’s family as we continue to hold her memory close to our hearts. The tragic news of her passing on June 27, 2022 is difficult to share. The University of Maine community joins the Maine Business School and Graduate School of Business students, faculty, and staff in mourning the death of Dr. Cynthia Tollerson.

Cynthia, the Harold Alfond Assistant Professor of Accounting, joined the UMaine community in 2019. She mainly taught MBA students and also had a distinct role in reaching undergraduates — in essence, impacting those in the Maine Business School at the beginnings of their college careers as well as working professionals in the Graduate School of Business. Students appreciated Cynthia’s focus on relevant course content and mentoring that made a difference in starting or advancing their careers. As part of the Graduate School of Business, Cynthia attended research presentations with the business faculty at the University of Southern Maine. She was an honored colleague in the MBS and GSB and will be missed.

Summary and Conclusions

Graduation for Annual Report

Engaged describes the faculty and staff in the MBS and GSB quite well, with active initiatives for analytics, applied projects, speakers in classrooms, and interactions between faculty and learners as a norm. Innovation permeates efforts to offer new degree programs, enrich online learning, and reach first-year students with a living learning community and research learning experiences. Impact occurs in scholarship and collaborations with partners and communities in Maine that make a difference.

Faculty and staff invest their time in working as advisors to student organizations that manage over $4 million in funds for SPIFFY, explore the roads less traveled in Maine with Undiscovered Maine, and honor our academic stars in Beta Gamma Sigma. Women in Business connects students to leaders who paint a picture of career paths and strategies that work. The MBS Corps focuses on veterans and helps the Salvation Army with their Adopt-a-Family during the holidays every year. MBS Ambassadors represent us to visitors, prospective students, and the community. The American Marketing Association raises funds for nonprofits and enhances the culture of caring. The Institute of Management Accountants offers connections to professionals that shape careers. It is an enriched culture that serves as an impetus for change in our approaches, processes, and communities (MBS vision statement).

Members of the MBS Advisory Board participate in VisionPoint Marketing interviews; make donations that foster analytics and outreach for financial literacy, among other initiatives; and partner with us to pilot test clinical rotations for business internships. We offer webinars on key topics for Walgreens and offer courses with Becker to enhance analytics and accounting CPA exam preparations for learners and our community. We engage with employers in Maine for webinars and understand well-being from the pathway of student learners to employees in the state.

We are accredited by AACSB, and faculty publish and engage in the learning enterprise to maintain that credential that places our programs among the best in the world for quality.

We are UMaine, and we thank you for believing in our excellence, partnering with our people and programs, and helping us continue to make a difference in this world. Please contact us if you would like to know more about business programs at the flagship university of the University of Maine System.

Go Big! Go Blue! Go Business!


Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications, July 2020–June 2021

Akono, H., Choi, H., and Karim, K. (2021). Convertible debt and the pricing of audit services. Accounting Horizons, 18(119).
Berdnikov, M., O’Reilly, N., & Abeza, G. (2021). Exploring the involvement of athletes in influencing a host country’s image via social media: the case of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 21(3/4), 209-225.
Bolton, J., & (2021). Doing well by creating economic value through social values among craft beer breweries: A case study in
responsible innovation and growth. Sustainability.
Carter, E. & Welcomer, S. (2021). Designing and Distinguishing Meaningful Artisan Food Experiences. Sustainability.

Das, M. (2021). Fantasy sports and gambling regulation in the Asia Pacific. International Sports Law Journal, 21, 166-179.

Das, M. & Myrden, S. (2022). America’s Major League Soccer: Artificial Intelligence & the Quest to Become a World Class League. The Case Journal (forthcoming).
Dumas, J. & Stough, R. (2022). When influencers are not very influential: The negative effects of social media verification.
Journal of Consumer Behavior, 21(3), 614-624.
Finch, D., Abeza, G., O’Reilly, N., & Mikkelson, A. (2022). Esport Sponsorship: Practitioners’ Perspectives on Emerging Trends.
Journal of Brand Strategy.
Finch, D., O’Reilly, N., Levallet, N., and Mikkelson, A. (forthcoming). A dynamic capabilities view of the NBA and esports.
International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing.
Finch, D.J., O’Reilly, N., Legg, D., Levallet, N. & & Fody, E. (2022). So you want to work in sports? An exploratory study of sport business employability. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 12(2), 117-134.
Finch, D., Abeza, G., O’Reilly, N., Nadeau, J., Levallet, N. Legg, D. & Foster W.M. (2022). Season ticket holder segmentation in professional sports: An application of the sport relationship marketing model. International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship, 23(1), 110-131.
Finch, D., Levallet, N., McIntyre, S., and Pyde, K. (forthcoming). What makes a product manager? A dynamic capabilities view
of product management. International Journal of Product Development.
Foster, G., O’Reilly, N., & Naidu, Z. (2021). Playing-Side Analytics in Team Sports: Multiple Directions, Opportunities, and
Challenges. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living.
Gilbert, F.W., Harkins, J., Agrrawal, P., and Ashley, T. (2021). Internships as clinical rotations in business: Enhancing access and options. International Journal for Business Education. 162(1), Article 7.
Hedman J., Beaulieu, T., & Karlström, M. (2021) The tales of alphanumerical symbols in media: The case of Bitcoin. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16, 2768-2792.
Hong, Z., Tian, R., Yang, Q., Yao, W., Ye, T., Zhang, L. (2021). Asset allocation via machine learning. Accounting and Finance Research, 10(4), 3449.
Humaid, S., Nayyar, D., Bolton, J., Bayer, R., & Skonberg, D.I. (2022). Physicochemical Properties and Consumer Acceptance of Sous Vide Cooked Lobster Tails. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology. DOI: 10.1080/15428052.2021.2024474
Jones, N.B., Miles, P., and Beaulieu, T. (2021). The value of social media advertising strategies on tourist behavior: A game-
changer for small rural businesses. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 31(4), 64-75.
Jurich S. (2021). Does off-exchange trading decrease in the presence of uncertainty? The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance.
Jurich, S., & Walker, M.M. (2022). Initiating contact in merger negotiations: Who leads and who follows? Journal of Economics and Business, 119.

Levallet, N., Finch, D., McCaffery T., Espinoza, A., & Raby, S. (2022). A dynamic management capabilities view of small to
medium-sized enterprise export readiness. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.
Levallet, N., & Chan, Y.E. (2022). Uncovering a new form of digitally-enabled agility: An improvisational perspective. European Journal of Information Systems.
Li, T., Chan, Y.E., & Levallet, N. (2022). Leveraging digital platforms for strategic advantage: Lessons learned from Instacart. MIS Quarterly Executive.
Lu, Y.T. (2022). An empirical Bayes approach to incorporating demand intermittency and irregularity into inventory control. European Journal of Operational Research.
McIntyre, F.S. & Gilbert, F.W. (2021). Maintaining AACSB International accreditation: From basics to best practices. Organization Management Journal, 18(1), 199-209.
Miles, P., & Angelis, J.N. (2021). Untangling innovation: an examination of compensation, corporate social responsibility, and corporate financial performance. Social Responsibility Journal; (27 October).
Miles, P. & (2022). The role of mindfulness and resilience in Navy SEAL training. Military Psychology.
Peterson, M., Sanderson, W., Kussainov, N., Hobbs, S.J., Miles, P., Scollay, M.C., & Clayton, H.M. (2021). Effects of racing
surface and turn radius on fatal limb fractures in thoroughbred racehorses. Sustainability in the Equine Industry, 13(2), 539.
Obenauer, W. (2022). The price of technology is responsibility: A discussion of threats created by cybervetting that employers must address to ensure equal employment opportunity. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, (forthcoming).
Obenauer, W. Kalsher, M. (2022). Is White Always the Standard? Using Replication to Revisit and Extend What We Know About the Leadership Prototype. The Leadership Quarterly (forthcoming).
O’Connor, G., Myrden, S., Alkire, L., Lee, K., Kocher, S., Kandampully, J., and Williams, J. (2021). Digital Health Experience: A
regulatory focus perspective. Journal of Interactive Marketing (forthcoming).
O’Reilly, N., Finch, D., Abeza, G., Levallet, N., Nadeau, J., Legg, D., Foster, W.M., & Blake, C. (2022). Segmentation of season ticket holders in minor league North American professional sport. Sport Innovation Journal, 3(1), 16-29.
O’Reilly, N., Nadeau, J., & Warwick, L., (2022). Adventure Tourism and the Place Brand of Argentina, Journal of Sport & Tourism, in press.
Tijerina, S. (2021). Imagining Maine’s economy in a postpandemic world. Maine Policy Review, 30(2).
Warmath, D., Winterstein, A., & Myrden, S. (2022). Parents and coaches as transformational leaders motivating high school athletes’ intentions to report concussion symptoms across socioeconomic statuses. Social Science & Medicine (forthcoming).
Wörsdörfer, M. (2021). Digital platforms and competition policy: A business-ethical assessment. Journal for Markets and Ethics.
Wörsdörfer, M. (2022). What happened to ‘Big Tech’ and antitrust? And how to fix them! Philosophy of Management. (Online First).
Wörsdörfer, M. (2022). Big Tech and Antitrust: An Ordoliberal Analysis. Philosophy & Technology, Springer (accepted).
Yue, W., Liu, N., Zheng, Q., and Wang, H.H, (2021). Does the COVID-19 pandemic change consumers’ food consumption and
willingness-to-pay? The case of China. Foods, 10, 2156.

Zheng, Q. (2022). Spillover effects of food recalls: A mild recall scenario experiment in China. Science of Food, 6(1), 1-8.

Zhang, Y.Y., Zheng, Q., & Wang, H. (2021). Challenges and opportunities facing the Chinese economy in the new decade: Epidemics, food, labor, e-commece, and trade. The Chinese Economy, 1-3.
Zheng, Q., & Wang, H.H. (2021). Do consumers view the genetically modified food labeling systems differently? Contains GMA vs non-GMO labels. The Chinese Economy, 2-13.

Books and Book Chapters

O’Reilly, N., Seguin, B., Abeza, G., & Narraine, M. (2022). “Sport Marketing: A Canadian Perspective: 3rd Edition,” Human Kinetics Books, Canada.

O’Reilly, N., Abeza, G., & Harrison, M. (2021). “Sport Sponsorship Insights,” Routledge.

O’Reilly, N. & Burton, R. (2022). “Business the NHL Way: A Business Playbook from the Fastest Game on Ice,” University of Toronto Press, Canada.

Burton, R., O’Reilly, N., Hirsham, J, Dolich, A., & Lawrence,
H. (2021). “The 20 Secrets of Success for a Student- Athlete,” 2nd Edition, Ohio University Press, Athens, USA.

Abeza, G., O’Reilly, N., Sanderson, J. & Fredrick, E. (2021). “Contemporary Issues in Social Media in Sport,” World Science Publishing, Singapore.

O’Reilly, N. (2021). “Sponsorship Evaluation,” in Encyclopedia of Sport Management on Elgaronline, Pederson, P., Editor.

Savage, N. & O’Reilly, N. (2021). “Converting Traditional Cycling to a Virtual Platform,” in Handbook of Research on Pathways and Opportunities Into the Business of Esports, IGI Publishing.

O’Reilly, N. (2021). “Sponsorship Evaluation,” Sage Encyclopedia of Sport Management, Paul Pedersen, Editor.

Tijerina, S. (2021). “Opportunism and Goodwill: Canadian Business Expansion in Colombia,” 1867-1979. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Wörsdörfer, M. (2022). “Climate Finance – A business- ethical analysis, in Business Policy Solutions to Climate Change: From Mitigation to Adaptation.”

Wörsdörfer, M. (2022). “Walter Eucken – Foundations of Economics in the Oxford Handbook of Ordoliberalism” by the Oxford University Press

Conferences & Media Mentions of Note

Agrrawal, P. (2021). Cryptocurrencies, NFT, and New Asset Classes. Invited speaker for NYU and Columbia alumni-led tech company

Akono, H., Karim, K., and Tao, A. (2021). Auditor gender and conditional conservatism. Annual Conference (AAA) presentation for the AAA Diversity Section Meeting.
Bethesda, MD, 10/2021.

Beaulieu, T. (2021). From Favorited to Fear: An empirical investigation of customer emotions and behavior of online customers after data breaches, INFORMS annual meeting.

Carter, E. (2021). A call for social action education models: Re-Imagining university curricula to benefit student learning and society. International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference.

Gilbert, F. (2021 – 2022). AACSB Continuous Improvement Review Sessions at the Dean’s Conference, Accreditation Conference.

Myrden, S. (2022). Health engagement: An examination into cultural drivers, for the AMA SERVSIG conference in Glasgow, Scotland.

Obenauer, W. (2022). Motivating racial diversity efforts through executive compensation, “best paper in the HR track” for Southwestern Academy of Management conference.

O’Reilly, N. (2021). Adult Report Card, by ParticipACTION, Canada.

Stough, R. (2021). You get more than you bargained for: Contagion effects in access-based consumption. Association of Consumer Research conference.

Strong, Robert, (2021) (emeritus faculty in finance), Technical Analysis will be included in the 2023 CFA Exam Curriculum.

Tijerina, S. & Kobrak, C. (2021). Border Barometer, report from the Border Policy Research Institute at Western Washington University.

Wörsdörfer, M. (2022). Big Tech and Antitrust: An Ordoliberal Analysis. Society of Business Ethics; Annual Meeting 2022 (Seattle/USA, August 5-7, 2022).

Wörsdörfer, M. (2022). Big Tech and Antitrust: An Ordoliberal Analysis. Philosophy of Management; Annual Conference 2022; Oxford University (Oxford/UK, July 1-4, 2022).

Zhang, Lizao (2022). The more store-brand in stock, the better managing inventory for homogeneous drugs, for POMS 32nd annual conference.

Zheng, Qiujie (2021). Economics of face masks through the lens of Chinese consumers during COVID-19: Demand, supply, price, and willingness to pay; and, Eat safe, but no waste: Chinese households’ meat storage, consumption, and waste, both papers presented at the Chinese Economists Society annual conference.

Grants, Earmarks, and Awards

Erin Carter & Stephanie Welcomer, BARD technical assistance training program, $290,000 awarded

Qiujie “Angie” Zheng, Norm O’Reilly, William Procter Scientific Innovation Fund for interdisciplinary work with the Darling Marine Center, $50,000

Taylor Ashley, Award from Enterprise to sponsor the Career Ready Games, $10,000

MBS Research Grants Awarded for 2021-2022

Erin Carter, Consumer psychology and the fibershed movement

Matt Graham and Rusty Stough: The wavering digital comic consumer: Is consumer need for uniqueness and perceived ownership diminishing digital comic downloads?

Nadège Levallet and Qiujie “Angie” Zheng: Technologically-enabled innovation in aquaculture: An organizational and consumer perspective on Maine’s oyster sector

Jie Li: Followers’ leader-associated relational identification as contingent factor for the effects of leader-member exchange social comparison

Ikechukwu “Ike” Ndu: Predicting fraudulent financial reporting in listed emerging market companies using discretionary accrual-based models

Qiujie “Angie” Zheng: Consumers’ valuation for lobster harvested using ropeless technology to reduce right whales’ entanglement and extinction

MBS Speakers and Guests

  • Rawan AlButairi, Communication and Information Technology Commission of Saudi Arabia
  • Anastasia Amoroso, Managing Director, iCapital Network
  • Heather Lawrence-Benedict, Director of Sport Operations, CrossFit
  • Larry Blaisdell, CFP, Managing Director & Wealth Advisor, Vigilant Capital Management
  • Nicole Bradick, Founder/CEO, Theory and Principle
  • Corey N. Bronner, CFA and Partner, Champlain Investment Partner
  • Amber Chadrawl, Customer Optimization & Enablement, Amazon Web Services
  • Amber Crosby, Senior Vice President, Bangor Savings Bank
  • Matt Cross, Learning Manager, Manchester United
  • Kayla Dunn, Mortgage Loan Officer, Bangor Savings Bank
  • Pavel Ezekiev, NEO Ventures
  • Michael Eason-Garcia, Analytics Manager, Movers+Shakers
  • Joel French, Sales Manager, Cintas
  • Stephen Gaspirini, Commonfund Asset Management
  • Faye Gilbert, Executive Dean, Maine Business School
  • Ara Ginlyson, Brand Director, Vermont SportsCar (part of Subaru)
  • Tim Graciano, Head of Data Science, Convoy
  • Annie Grégoire, General Manager, L’Oréal International
    Distribution, North America
  • Joel Guerrero, NEVEQ
  • Angie M. Holbrook, CFA and Partner, Champlain Investment
  • John Hutchinson, Fogler Library, UMaine
  • Michelle Ibarguen, Director of Corporate Relations, Cross
  • Tom Konieczko, Commodity Hedger, Dead River Company
  • Bristyn Leasure, Industry Marketing Lead, Oracle NetSuite
  • Diana M. LeBlanc, Talent Diversity Specialist, Bangor Savings
  • J.P. Lee, Associate Product Manager, VanEck Vectors ETFs
  • Tom Marchese, Executive in Residence, Ohio University
  • Ryan Merchant, Senior Manager, Charles Schwab
  • Norm O’Reilly, Dean, Graduate School of Business, University of Maine
  • Hedi Park, Branch Manager, Maine Savings Federal Credit
  • David Patrick, Racial Equity and Justice
  • David Pease, Senior Vice President/Director, Talent, Diversity, & Inclusion, Bangor Savings Bank
  • Stephannie Peters, former president of Southwest Vermont Education Association
  • Tate Porter, Payroll Development Officer, Bangor Savings Bank
  • George Pullen, Senior Economist, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission
  • Brian Rahill, CourseStorm
  • Mark Ranalleti,
  • John Russo, Northwestern Mutual
  • Nicholas Sarette, Area Manager, Enterprise Holdings
  • Nicholas Scavuzzo, Project Manager, Dexible
  • Lisa Sturgeon, The Maine Highlands
  • Elizabeth Sutherland, CEO & Brand Strategy Director, Sutherland Weston
  • Sherri Trombley, Director Schwab Advisor Services, Charles Schwab
  • Julie Varberakis, Senior HR Manager, Cintas
  • Randy Wadleigh, CEO, Governor’s Restaurants
  • Jonathan Weindel, Head of Analytics, Envoy
  • Kevin Well, General Manager, Cintas

Honor Roll of Donors, 2021-22

Paul A. Ames, Jr.
Garret E. Cole ‘72 and Patricia A. Cole ‘82G
Col. Parker A. Denaco ‘65, ‘75G and Gayle G. Denaco
Faye W. Gilbert, Ph.D.
David B. Gould ‘75 and Anne Chaplin Gould ‘78 Charles E. Komar ‘80
Pasquale F. Maiorino ‘69 and Donna Maiorino Yoriko McClure
Kenneth A. Murray ‘68 and Jill A. Peck-Murray Timothy M. O’Neil ‘79
Doris L. Pelletier and Peter N. Pelletier
Trish Riley ‘73, ‘78G
Mark M. Skinner ‘73 and Evan Skinner William Procter Scientific Innovation Fund
Eric A. Winterhalter ‘92 and Kimberly S. Winterhalter

FOGLER SOCIETY ($5,000 TO $9,999)
Robert P. Bennett ‘77 and Martha A. Bennett John R. Carl*
Clint E. Davies ‘82, ‘83G and Colette B. Davies
Earle E. Hannigan ‘63 and Calista E. Wiberg-Hannigan ‘89G
Edward J. Keefe ‘86 and Lillian S. Keefe
James C. Otis ‘69 and Deanna Valente

1865 ASSOCIATES ($2,500 TO $4,999)

Alvin W. Chase, Jr. ‘85
Daniel R. Daigneault ‘74 and Carol B. Daigneault
Derek M. Ribbons ‘98 and Danielle J. Snow ‘97, ‘99G

PRESIDENTS CLUB ($1,000 to $2,499)

Pankaj Agrrawal and Tanja Agrrawal
David J. Barrett and Amy Barrett
Robert Evans Cort ‘80 and Valerie Elizabeth Peer-Cort ‘91, ‘95G
Joseph H. Cromarty ‘78 and Laura W. Cromarty
Paul B. Cronin ‘57 and Dale G. Cronin
Janet Cole Cross ‘79 and William F. Cross
William H. Cummings, Jr. ‘51
Albert A. DiMillo, Jr. ‘76
Bethany Mealey Durrell ‘09 and Tom Durrell
Epstein & O’Donovan, LLP
Mary R. Fee and Frank H. Fee Richard G. Fortier ‘69
Maria R. Fuentes ‘85G and Jeffrey Romano
Jennifer J. Griffin and Bob Griffin
Harold H. Henderson ‘67 and Tamara Gemme Henderson ‘80
Heymann Foundation
Nicholas P. Heymann ‘78 and Bibiana Heymann
Income Research & Management
Patricia D. Lovaas
Matthew R. McHatten ‘90 and Kelly Nickerson McHatten ‘91
James R. Newton ‘04, ‘05G
Dennis J. O’Donovan ‘85 and Anne E. O’Donovan
Irene Currier Oldfield ‘73 and Jeffrey J. Oldfield
Richard D. Robertson ‘93 and Jennifer Allen Robertson ‘96
Katelynn J. Ronan ‘15, ‘19G
Ronald L. Roope, Jr. ‘04, ‘11G
Debra Reynolds Scott ‘78 and David M. Scott ‘78G
Pamela Townsend
David Walts ‘92G
Dianne Renee Watters ‘08 and Matthew Watters
J. Michael Weber, Ph.D. and Sherrie Weber


Shane D. Arnold ‘15
Lavon Lee Bartel, Ph.D. and David G. Struck
Caitlyn Alexandra Beaulieu
Grace Elizabeth Bennett
Col. Nathan R. Berkley ‘58 and Patricia T. Berkley
Lawrence A. Blaisdell ‘86 and Brenda Vaillancourt Blaisdell ‘86
Paul F. Bolin ‘92, ‘99G and Tammy Bolin
Michael R. Bonneau ‘81 and Mary M. Bonneau
Bryce E. Boynton ‘03
Russell P. Boynton ‘09, ‘12G
Clair S. Bradstreet, II ‘90G
Allison Brawley
David J. Breau ‘89, ‘98G
Susan Dill Brunelle ‘79 and Marc R. Brunelle ‘80
Nathan P. Burns ‘16
Emma Paige Cadran ‘21
Maryellen F. Carew
Donald D. Carter Jr. ‘80G
Nancy A. Carter ‘79 and James J. Condon
Mary Elizabeth Castonguay ‘00, ‘01G
Steven C. Colburn, Ph.D. ‘75, ‘79G and Lisa E. Colburn ‘08
D. Gregg Collins ‘86 and Lori Penny Collins ‘86
Denys P. Cornelio ‘91G
Donald H. Cousins ‘66 and Rae B. Cousins
Teresa Yancy Crane
John W. Cronkite, Ed.D. ‘68 and Naomi Seid-Cronkite
Grace T. Cushman
Paul A. Daniels ‘97G
Susan Davis
Richard B. Dawson, C.P.A. ‘78 and Valerie Woodsum Dawson ‘80
Barbara Lavoie DeCoster ‘79 and Lester Allen DeCoster ‘59
Linda Del Rossi
David R. Delano, C.P.A. ‘82, ‘87G
Gerard J. Deschaine ‘73, ‘74G and Benita Joy Deschaine ‘74, ‘75G
Dirigo Consulting Group
Esia Do ‘00 and Matthew J. Newcomb
Gregory J. Doyon ‘72
Brig. Gen. Diane L. Dunn ‘01G and James Dunn
Tod P. Edgecomb ‘93 and Shari Edgecomb
Mark A. Erhardt ‘93 and Lisa Salley Erhardt ‘01G
Maggie Genevieve Fahey
David J. Fayan ‘78G
William G. Ferentz ‘86 and Victoria Ferentz
Joanne Bodwell Ferreira ‘73 and Eugene Ferreira
Benjamin W. Fetterman ‘99 and Lauren L. Fetterman
Gilbert T. Fifield ‘72 and Jeanne Fifield
Gavan C. Finley ‘80
Joyce Kathryn Fitzpatrick ‘81
Cheryl Davis Fullerton ‘80
Janet Gargaro-Larson
Mark P. Godfrey ‘80
Lawrence D. Griffin ‘68G
Charles N. Hadiaris ‘74
Chris N. Hadiaris ‘74, ‘76G and Bonny McCormick Hadiaris ‘76, ‘82G
Lauren Cousens Hall ‘03
Samuel B. Hall ‘93
Jamie A. Hall ‘93
Kristy Hamilton and Timothy F. Hamilton
Leah Hancock
Jason A. Harkins and Evelyn Harkins
Kyla J. Harrison ‘18G
Janine M. Harvey ‘85
Michael M. Hastings and Sharyn L. Hastings
Arthur E. Heathcote ‘66
Darrell J. Herbert ‘71
Thomas C. Hicks ‘82
Diane E. Hitchings ‘75
Mark Hohmann and Julie Hohmann
Alton M. Hopkins ‘50
Jessica Simmons Hosford ‘94, ‘97G and Sgt. Ralph W. Hosford ‘93
Jason House
Warren C. Hutchins ‘70G
Pamela Nedik Induni ‘83, ‘94G
Brady D. Jacques ‘14, ‘16G
David M. Jagger ‘69G
Kathryn Mary Johnson ‘81
Steven B. Kalloch ‘67, ‘69G and Constance C. Kalloch ‘70
Hope Kercher
Veronica Irene King
Jane Belanger Kiser ‘81 and James R. Kiser ‘80
Tomas Kohn Edward J. Kroll ‘67G
Susu Kulow
Jane Ledyard Lazo ‘58 Arthur L. LeBrun ‘50
Lorraine Burr Leeth ‘75 and Dr. John Leeth
Elizabeth Leonard and James Leonard
Craig R. Libby ‘71 and Roberta Bridgham Libby ‘71
Theodore A. Libby ‘68 and Roberta B. Libby
W. Peter Libhart, Jr. ‘78 and Mary Rogers Libhart ‘78
Yan Liu ‘19G
Jeanne M. Logsdon
Diane Richardson Lowry ‘69 and William Lowry
Maria MacDonald
Barbara J. MacRoy and Charles R. MacRoy, Ph.D.
Julia M. Mahon
James M. Marascio ‘95G
Charles F. Marston, Jr. ‘78
Dr. Paul A. Mayewski ‘44H and Lyn Mayewski
Danielle McClelland
Elizabeth Arden McIntosh
David E. McMahon ‘79 and Robin L. McMahon
Paula S. McVeigh
Julia Alden Metivier
Grant Miles and Patti C. Miles
Jeffery N. Mills, Ph.D. ‘82 and Tammy M. Mills, Ph.D. ‘04G
Taishi Miura ‘00G and Shizuka Miura
Jed N. Miyashiro
William G. Morris ‘79 and Deborah R. Morris
Robert C. Muller ‘75G
Illana Navas
Northeast Financial Strategies, Inc.
Peter W. Oberg ‘73
Krista Foster Ottman ‘88 and Daniel C. Ottman ‘89
Steven M. Ouellette ‘87
Douglas A. Packard ‘79 and Mary Packard
Marianne Howes Pinkham ‘89G, ‘94G
Rita Pirollo
Susan Mansfield Pogue ‘77
Port Royal, LLC
Kathleen Rehein
Gary B. Roderick ‘66, ‘67G
James E. Rogers, Jr. ‘80 and Elizabeth Fidler Rogers ‘81
Jeffrey E. Rogers ‘16 and Emma Hutchinson Rogers ‘19
Victoria Sophia Roman
Robert Roof
Todd D. Saucier ‘93, ‘97G, ‘44H and Danielle Daigle Saucier ‘93, ‘96G
Jeffrey N. Schweitzer ‘97 and Dawn Schweitzer
Mark Sharfman
Stephen C. Shea ‘70
John P. Sherry ‘67 and Geraldine Kelley Sherry ‘67
James Powell Shokal
Dennis E Simmons and Judith H. Simmons
John I. Simpson ‘71, ‘83G and Betsy Simpson
Kenneth J. Smaha ‘70
Benjamin J. Smith ‘03, ‘04G and Kara Holland Smith ‘05
Soderberg Company, Inc.
Carl J. Soderberg ‘84
Jon F. Sorenson ‘86 and Karen M. Sorenson
Stephen R. Spear ‘83
Hon. Harold L. Stewart, III ‘16, ‘18G
Dr. Robert A. Strong and Kristen Strong
Debra Dostie Taylor ‘89
RMA Maine Chapter
Jord E. Thomas
Ivan M. Manev, Ph.D. and Alexandra G. Todorova ‘05G
John Volin and Valeria Volin
Sandra Waddock
Nancy Brown Weil ‘76 and David R. Weil
Leigh J. White ‘70 and Cynthia Fellows-White
Teresa Korzenko Wlodarski ‘90G and Dr. Fred M. Wlodarski



Faye W. Gilbert, Ph.D.
Executive Dean, Maine Business School and Professor of Marketing

Norm O’Reilly, Ph.D.
Dean, Graduate School of Business and Professor of Marketing and Sport Management

Jason Harkins, Ph.D.
Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Management

Jamie Ballinger
Assistant Dean, Graduate School of Business (through March 25, 2022)


Pankaj Agrrawal, Ph.D., Professor of Finance and Nicolas M. Salgo Professor

Henri Akono, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Accounting

David Barrett, CPA, Lecturer in Accounting

Tanya Beaulieu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems

Jason Bolton, Ph.D., Extension Professor and Food Safety Specialist, Innovation Area Coordinator

Jennifer Healy, MBA, M.Ed Lecturer in Management and Marketing

Matthew Hodgkin, Lecturer in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Nory Jones, Ph.D., John M. Murphy Professor of Business Information Systems

Stephen Jurich, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Finance

Nadège Levallet, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Management and Information Systems

Sebastian Lobe, Ph.D., University Foundation Professor of Investment Education

Jun Lou, Ph.D., Lecturer in Finance

Yonggang “Tim” Lu, Ph.D., Harold Alfond Associate Professor of Business Analytics

Ivan Manev, Ph.D. Professor of Management

Dmitri Markovitch, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Marketing

Buffie McCue-Quinn, Lecturer in Management and Marketing

Grant Miles, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Management

Patti Miles, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Management and HAF Graduate Faculty Fellow

Richard Mullins Lecturer in Accounting

Susan Myrden, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Marketing and Dennis McConnell Professor of Business

Billy Obenauer, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Management

Rusty Stough, Ph.D., Libra Assistant Professor of Marketing

Stefano Tijerina, Ph.D. Lecturer in Management

Cynthia D. Tollerson, Ph.D., Harold Alfond Assistant Professor of Accounting

Stephanie Welcomer, Ph.D., Professor of Management

Manuel Wörsdörfer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Management and Computing Ethics

Tingting Ye, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Accounting

Lizao Zhang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Operations Management

Qiujie “Angie” Zheng, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Business Analytics

USM, UMM & Maine Law Faculty Teaching in the MaineMBA
Richard Arend, Ph.D., Professor of Strategic Management

Richard Bilodeau, MBA, Lecturer of Entrepreneurship

Jeffrey DiBartolomeo, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Finance

Robert Heiser, Ph.D., Business Administration Associate Professor of Marketing

Andrew Kaufman, J.D., Professor of Practice, Maine Law

Jie Li, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior

Ikechukwu Ndu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Accounting

Heidi Parker, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sport Management

Hirotoshi Takeda, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Business Analytics and Information Systems

Robert Tropea, MBA, Assistant Professor of Management & Entrepreneurial Studies, UMM

Rozhin Yousefvand-Mansouri, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Accounting


Taylor Ashley, Internship Coordinator

Taylor Boucher, Administrative Coordinator to the Graduate Dean

Melanie Brooks, Marketing and Communications Manager

Wanda Crosby, Administrative Specialist to the Executive Dean

Cindy D’Angelo, Director of Undergraduate Academic Advising Center

Meghan Gardner, Professional Academic Advisor, Graduate

Jen Larlee, Administrative Specialist, Faculty Support

Jody Loper, Professional Academic Advisor, Undergraduate

Jenny Scott, Professional Academic Advisor, Undergraduate

Julia Van Steenberghe, Recruitment and Engagement Specialist, GSB

Cooperating Faculty

Lauree Ann Cameron
Devon DeMarco
Derek Jones
Donald Harkins
Lisa Liberatore
Ryan Moore
Kim Wilson-Raymond

Tables and Characteristics

  • Students
    • 1.1 Enrollment
    • 1.2 Degrees Conferred
    • 1.3 Student Credit Hours
    • 1.4 Scholarships Awarded
    • 1.5 Internships
    • 1.6 Retnetion
    • 1.7 Life After UMaine
  • Faculty
    • 2.1 Overall AACSB Qualified Faculty by Discipline
    • 2.2 Scholarly Academic(s) (SA) by Discipline
    • 2.3 Participating Faculty by Discipline
  • Research
    • 3.1 Faculty Intellectual Contributions
    • 3.2 Quality of Peer-Reviewed Journals




BSBA Fall 2017 Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Fall 2020 Fall 2021
Accounting 136 130 127 126 128
Business Administration 173 236 255 289 279
Finance 238 240 264 255 265
Management 370 375 340 332 361
Marketing 292 266 258 267 303
Pre-Business 101 101 75 47 68
Undeclared Business 0 0 0 1 0
Visiting Student 2 6 1 0 0
Total, Undergrad Enrollment (Unduplicated) 1,312 1,354 1,320 1,317 1,404
Graduate Enrollment Fall 2017 Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Fall 2020 Fall 2021
MBA 61 82 106 300 391
Certificate Programs Enrollment Fall 2017 Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Fall 2020 Fall 2021
Business Administration 19 15 28 43 35
Business Analytics 0 0 0 1 0
  Fall 2017 Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Fall 2020 Fall 2021
Grand Total Enrollment
1,398 1,451 1,454 1,662 1,830
Double Majors 124 110 114 122 125
Grand Total Enrollment
1,274 1,341 1,340 1,540 1,705


BSBA 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Accounting 32 32 25 22 36 35
Finance 76 80 72 77 99 77
Management 107 117 112 133 139 118
Marketing 68 90 84 95 84 87
Total Undergrad Degrees 283 319 293 327 358 317
Graduate Degrees 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
MBA (Business Administration) 25 28 25 37 44 132
Total Graduate Degrees Conferred 25 28 25 37 44 132
Certificate 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
B.A. Post-Bacc Certificate 7 9 4 10 27 17
Innovation Post-Bacc Certificate 6 1 1 3 1 1
Total Certificates Awarded 13 10 5 13 28 18
  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total Undergraduate Degrees 283 319 293 327 358 317
Total Certificates Awarded 7 9 4 10 28 18
Total Graduate Degrees Conferred 25 28 25 37 44 132
Total Degrees 315 356 322 374 430 467


  2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2010-2021 2021-2022
Undergraduate 18,564 19,664 19,445 19,344 19,466 20,466
Graduate 818 801 930 1,428 3,948 4,694
MBS College Total Combined 19,382 20,465 20,375 20,772 23,414 25,160
DLL Online Total 939 1,020 1,707 2,681 9,053 12,210
MBS College Total Combined +
DLL Online Total
20,321 21,485 22,082 23,453 32,467 37,370



  Student Count Total Offered
MBS: Graduate 31 $90,883.56
Restricted 31 $88,296
Merit 0 0
Private/Outside 2 $2,588
BSBA: Undergraduate 1,052 $6,416,879.74
Restricted 489 $1,092,808
Merit 847 $4,924,973
Private/Outside 139 $399,099
Grand Total 1,083 $4,507,763.30


  Student Count Total Offered
MBA: Graduate 34 $118,920
Restricted 5 4,974
Merit 0 0
Private/Outside 29 $113,946
BSBA: Undergraduate 1,633 $7,202,664.81
Restricted 138 $373,603
Merit 1,019 $5,709,133
Private/Outside 476 $1,119,929
Grand Total 1,667 $7,321,584.81


  Student Count  Total Offered
MBA: Graduate 20      $101,575
Restricted 15 $84,055
Merit 0 0
Private/Outside                                      5 $17,520
BSBA: Undergraduate 1,587 $7,531,892.71
Restricted 305 $1,021,069
Merit 1,104 $5,888,704
Private/Outside 178 $622,120
Grand Total 1,607 $7,633,467.71


  2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
Number of Internships 46 36 40 60 62



First-Year Retention Rate Maine Business School UMaine
Fall 2014 80% (164) 76% (2,021)
Fall 2015 76% (169) 76% (2,012)
Fall 2016 78% (214) 75% (2,192)
Fall 2017 78% (268) 78% (2,254)
Fall 2018 68% (260) 74% (2,226)
Fall 2019 80% (252) 78% (2,104)
Fall 2020 72% (178) 76% (2,014)
Four-Year Graduation Rate Maine Business School UMaine
Fall 2011 59% (101) 38% (1,735)
Fall 2012 45% (153) 40% (1,919)
Fall 2013 44% (192) 38% (2,120)
Fall 2014 51% (164) 40% (2,021)
Fall 2015 41% (169) 41% (2,012)
Fall 2016 46% (214) 42% (2,192)
Fall 2017 40% (268) 40% (2,254)



Graduating Year Responses (n=) Employed FT Grad School FT
2013-2014 62 90% 0%
2014-2015 63 91% 7%
2015-2016 57 95% 2%
2016-2017 34 85% 12%
2017-2018 66 85% 9%
2018-2019 Survey not conducted due to Covid    
2019-2020 32 84.4% 10%

Accreditation Standards for Faculty


  2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
Accounting 71% 100% 100% 100%
Business Info Systems 100%
Business Law 100%
Finance 78% 90% 88% 76%
Management 90% 91% 96% 90%
Marketing 100% 100% 100% 100%
Sport Management 100%
MBA 83% 99% 96% 93%

AACSB Standard is 90% Qualified for each discipline (SA+PA+SP+IP)


  2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
Accounting 30% 60% 55% 60%
Business Info Systems 100%
Business Law 0%
Finance 54% 85% 74% 76%
Management 68% 74% 81% 78%
Marketing 74% 83% 70% 64%
Sport Management 100%
MBA 78% 84% 70% 75%

AACSB Standard is 40% SA for each discipline and overall for the college. Business Law has 1 IP faculty member and used to be combined with management, but recent AACSB protocols call for it being a separate discipline.


  2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
Accounting 67% 86% 90% 95%
Business Info Systems 100%
Finance 98% 95% 79% 96%
Management 71% 80% 84% 93%
Marketing 72% 94% 66% 99%
Sport Management 100%
MBA   78% 64%  
MBS/GSB Overall 74% 85% 82% 94%

AACSB standard is 60% participating in each discipline and 75% overall

Faculty Research


Table 8. Faculty Intellectual Contributions by Type

  Basic or Discovery Applied or Integration/Application Teaching and Learning Total
Percentages 2018-19
54% 32% 14% 100%
Percentages 2019-20
60% 28% 12% 100%
Percentages 2020-21
50% 38% 12% 100%
*Percentage 2021-2022, N=70 31% 64% 4% 99%

*AACSB standard is for the portfolio of scholarship to be consistent with the mission. With transitions in budget and administration, information was not collected on all publications for 2021-2022. Thus, the percentages by category are for peer-reviewed journal articles only. 


  Basic or Discovery Applied or Integration/Application Teaching and Learning Total
Accounting 3 3
Business Info Systems 4 1 5
Finance 1 1 2
Management 12 19 31
Marketing 2 6 2 10
Sport Management 18 1 19
Total 422 45 3 70
Percentage 31% 64% 4% 99%



  2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
Average % Acceptance Rate (n=of those with an acceptance rate reported; used for ranges) 18% 20% 23%
% A/B journals by ABDC (of all average publications) 48% 44% 30%
Average H-index (n=/of those with H-index) 61 49 54.2
Average SJR (n=of those with an SJR)   0.78
Average Impact Factor (n=of those with an Impact Factor) 3.3 2.4 3.6
N 19 18 42