Wahle Featured in AccuWeather Article on New England Lobster Decline

Rick Wahle, a University of Maine research professor at the Darling Marine Center, was interviewed for the AccuWeather.com article, “Drastic New England lobster decline may be linked to warmer waters.” Wahle, founder of the American Lobster Settlement Index, has been tracking lobster populations since 1989. Recently, he and his crew of divers have been counting the larval populations of lobster in water off the coast of New England and Atlantic Canada. “In 2013 we saw one of the most widespread downturns in the history of [this study] for sure,” Wahle told AccuWeather.com. He said the population of young lobsters is nearly 50 percent of what it was in 2007, and he believes oceanographic changes are responsible for the decline. Business Insider also carried the report.