Maine Extension Homemaker Volunteers Role Description


Homemaker groups are located in most Maine counties. Each office has a list of local groups and their contact information. If your county does not currently have any active groups, we encourage you to ask about independent membership or starting a new group.


Maine Extension Homemakers is a volunteer group whose goals are to develop leadership, support worthy community causes, and promote University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s educational programs in all parts of Maine.

This group remains tied to strengthening and extending adult education into the home and community.


Maine Extension Homemaker membership is open to anyone who is interested in educating and serving the members of the Homemakers and the community.


Volunteers generally meet monthly, participate in educational programs, and identify community projects they want to support. Each group has their own dynamics, so interested volunteers are encouraged to connect with a local group to find out more.

Time Commitment

Local Homemaker groups generally meet for several hours each month; specifics depend on the group you join. Contact your UMaine Extension county office for detailed information.


Interested volunteers can attend a monthly meeting prior to joining a Homemaker group, or elect to shadow a current member. Leadership positions are available. The monthly meeting serves as a formal check-in and support for volunteers and gives members a chance to enhance professional relationships with other group members.


  • A connection to UMaine Extension and access to our many resources
  • A leadership role within a well established organization
  • Connection to the community and UMaine Extension program areas
  • Recognition and professional development opportunities


Each county office has a UMaine Extension staff liaison assigned to Maine Extension Homemakers. Please contact your UMaine Extension county office for more information and to be connected with them.