Colloquium – Sept. 17 – Scott Freeman, University of Washington

The Maine Center for Research in STEM Education
and the University of Maine


Scott Freeman, Ph.D.
Department of Biology, University of Washington

“Evidence-based Learning in Introductory Biology”

If we bring the same level of rigor to our teaching as our research, then we should design our courses based on data. We have been working to evaluate the impact of “highly structured” course designs–where students are required to prepare for class sessions that focus on intensive active learning exercises, followed by weekly practice exams–on student performance in an introductory biology course for majors. In the process, we’ve addressed questions about course interventions that have a disproportionate benefit for high-achieving students and for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, and developed approaches for evaluating the equivalence of students and assessments when comparing measures of achievement.

Monday, September 17, 2012
3:00 pm
Arthur St. John Hill Auditorium
Room 165, Engineering and Science Research Building


Refreshments will be served in the ESRB Lobby at 2:45 pm